Account Kit helps you quickly register for apps using just your phone number or email address — no password needed. It's reliable, easy to use and gives you a choice about how you sign up for apps.
node-account-kit is a nodeJS module to handle account-kit server side implementation.
Full documentation for account kit can be found here
Click to see running demo.
Demo Code available here
- Generate randon non gussable string which can be passed to front end javascript file to be used for csrf.
- One shot function to authenticate and generate access token and return user information.
- support require app secret option.
- User data removal support.
npm install node-account-kit
Step 1 Include module to your server.js
var accountkit = require ('node-account-kit');
Step 2 Configure account kit.
// all info can be found on developer site at facebook
accountkit.requireAppSecret (true);// if you have enabled this option
Step 4 Use it. user data can be fetched inside the post request which client have submitted after account kit login. AngularJs helper library can be seen here
//accountKitState and accountKitCode are the response thet we get from account kit login operation. look for sample app for more usage information.
accountkit.getUserData (res, req.body.accountKitState, req.body.accountKitCode, function(resp) {
res.send (resp);
"email": {
"address": ""
"id": "941488975973375"
// deleting user data
//id is account-kit user id
accountkit.deleteUser(, function(resp){
res.send (resp);
- accountkit.getUserData (response, accountKitState, accountKitCode, callback);
- deleteUser (id, callback);
Do you want to improve it? Sounds cool. Please drop me a line at [email protected]