KBeam is a library to help write Apache Beam pipelines with less ceremony and verbosity compared to Java while keeping or improving the strong typing guarentees absent from python pipeline builders.
Comparable to Euphoria but for Kotlin
Snapshot or pre 1.0 versions will have highly unstable APIs
- Fully idiomatic Trivial map/flatMap/filter
- Multiple output helpers for common cases
- Codecs for Kotlin data classes, common tuples (Pair,Triple)
The following pipeline in Java: (Full example)
MyOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs("--test=toto").withValidation().as(MyOptions.class);
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
// Load mapping of country code to country
PCollection<String> countryCodes = pipeline.apply("Read Country File", TextIO.read().from("src/test/resources/country_codes.jsonl"));
PCollection<KV<String, String>> countryCodesKV = countryCodes.apply("Parse", MapElements.into(TypeDescriptors.kvs(TypeDescriptors.strings(), TypeDescriptors.strings())).via(
(String line) -> {
try {
JsonNode jsonLine = json.get().readTree(line);
return KV.of(jsonLine.get("Code").getTextValue(), jsonLine.get("Name").getTextValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
PCollectionView<Map<String, String>> countryCodesView = countryCodesKV.apply(View.asMap());
// Load list of lines
PCollection<String> lines = pipeline.apply("Read lines", TextIO.read().from("src/test/resources/test.csv"));
PCollection<Entry> entries = lines.apply("Map to entries", ParDo.of(new DoFn<String, Entry>() {
public void process(ProcessContext context) {
String[] words = context.element().split(",");
if (words.length == 3) {
context.output(new Entry(words[0], words[1], Double.parseDouble(words[2])));
// Fill in country names
PCollection<Entry> entries2 = entries.apply("Enrich with country name", ParDo.of(new DoFn<Entry, Entry>() {
public void process(ProcessContext context) {
String code = context.element().getCountryCode();
String name = context.sideInput(countryCodesView).getOrDefault(code, "unknown");
context.output(new Entry(context.element().getName(), context.element().getCountryCode(), context.element().getDoubleValue(), name));
// split in two collections
TupleTag<Entry> positiveEntries = new TupleTag<Entry>() {
TupleTag<Entry> negativeEntries = new TupleTag<Entry>() {
PCollectionTuple splitResult = entries2.apply("Split positives and negatives", ParDo.of(new DoFn<Entry, Entry>() {
public void process(ProcessContext context) {
if (context.element().getDoubleValue() >= 0) {
context.output(positiveEntries, context.element());
} else {
context.output(negativeEntries, context.element());
}).withOutputTags(positiveEntries, TupleTagList.of(negativeEntries)));
// this is an example so let's just print the results
splitResult.get(positiveEntries).apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<Entry, Void>() {
public void process(ProcessContext context) {
System.out.println("Positive :" + context.element().toString());
splitResult.get(negativeEntries).apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<Entry, Void>() {
public void process(ProcessContext context) {
System.out.println("Negative:" + context.element().toString());
Converted to KBeam: (Full example)
val (pipeline, options) = PipeBuilder.create<KMyOptions>(arrayOf("--test=toto"))
println("$pipeline, $options")
val countryCodes = pipeline
.readTextFile(name = "Read Country File", path = "src/test/resources/country_codes.jsonl")
.map {
val line = Json.mapper.readTree(it)
KV.of(line["Code"].textValue, line["Name"].textValue)
val test = pipeline.readTextFile(name = "Read Lines", path = "src/test/resources/test.csv")
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map(name = "Map to entries") {
val words = it.split(",")
KEntry(words[0], words[1], words[2].toDouble())
}.parDo<KEntry, KEntry>(
name = "Join with countries",
sideInputs = listOf(countryCodes)) {
val countryName = sideInputs[countryCodes][element.countryCode] ?: "unknown"
output(element.copy(countryName = countryName))
val (positives, negatives) = test.split {
it.doubleValue >= 0
positives.parDo<KEntry, Void> {
println("Positive: $element")
negatives.parDo<KEntry, Void> {
println("Negative: $element")
- Create and deploy maven artifact to central
- Create a mvn template project and gradle template
- Type safe custom configuration pipeline creation
- Basic lambda map/filter/flatMap
- Generic ParDo with Side Inputs
- Multiple assignment output with TupleTag hiding for dual and triple outputs in ParDo
- Simple filter based dual output splitter
- Multiple assignment output with TupleTag hiding for 4 to 8 outputs in ParDo
- CoGroupByKey multiple assignment output with TupleTag hiding
- Default Kryo coding
- TextIO DSL helpers
- Kafka DSL helpers
- Pub/Sub DSL helpers
- ElasticSearch DSL helpers
- BigQuery DSL helpers
- BigTable DSL helpers
- MongoDb DSL helpers
- Partition helpers for 3 to 8 outputs (maybe)