- Fixed broken bridge mode when internet connection is via ethernet WAN port
- Fixed broken card display when no Dynamic DNS configured (#199)
- Fixed broken Devices screen on FW 17.2 (#201)
- Fixed access to DNS Configuration tab when AdGuard Home installed as local upstream DNS resolver
- Fixed missing wait spinner on some modals
- Fixed Devices list on FW 20.3.c to correctly handle genuine booster devices connected to backhaul (#203)
- Fixed possible nil value error in Broadband (https://whrl.pl/RgJeVy)
- Fixed bug that prevented adding new SSH keys (https://whrl.pl/RgJgbo)
- Fixed bug that allowed changing IPv6 DNS servers on LAN Local Network screen when DNS hijacking enabled (#207)
- Fixed minification bug on Wi-Fi modal in FW 21.4 (#209)
- Fixed bug that prevented display and editing of Custom DHCP Options (https://whrl.pl/RgKjhX)
- Fixed ability to assign WAN port to VLAN when WAN port in LAN bridge and not in bridged mode
- Fixed handling and display of SMS messages that start with a User Data Header and/or contain emojis (emojis are not rendered correctly and never will be)
- Fixed display of multipart SMS messages as a single message
- Added Quad9 IPv6 and ECS Secured DNS Servers to default servers list
- Added service restart button and recent log messages to Dynamic DNS tab
- Added Multicast Snooping tab to Local Network
- Speed up check for remote AP when using the wlassoclist extra
- IP addresses in Devices list are now clickable
- Disable Save button when Apply/Cancel buttons are active
- Prettied the Wi-Fi Devices/Booster Devices tab in FW 20.3.c/20.4/21.4 and Wi-Fi Devices tab now available on all firmware releases
- Re-worked DHCP settings visibility on lan interface Local Network screen when running in Bridged mode
- Disabled ability to enable IPv6 hijacking if no IPv6 LAN address found (#207)
- Allow SMS to numbers without leading +, and messages longer than 160 characters
- Allow IPv6 address for Dynamic DNS to be determined from the LAN interface
- Removed "Local" from WiFi count descripion on Devices card if count of AP/Mesh connected clients cannot be determined
- Removed obsolete Network Map tab from Devices
- Removed Server Certificates from WAN Services (scripts will be left in /root/.acme.sh/ if being used in a scheduled task)
- Removed logging of service output when starting/stopping/restarting/enabling/disabling services through Init Scripts tab as it sometimes caused everything to hang
- Upgraded tproxy-go to v2024.08.06-0-g7ea285b
- Upgraded for adblock version 4.2.x (#212)
- Better handling when no Dynamic DNS defined and/or no current WAN/WWAN IP (#204)
- Added ability to choose domain or IP address to be included in peer config
- Use opposite case to reverse Telstra configuration overrides (e.g. -kT -kC keeps all Telstra config except CWMP)
- Removed, because it duplicates GUI code and I don't want to maintain both
- The SMS messages database will be restored unless the new --no-sms-db option is specified
- The SMS messages database will be restored unless the new --no-sms-db option is specified