Caffeine Bedtime Calculator. 2017 Seth L
Version: 0.0.3
Calculates the date/time when you can reasonably expect your sleep to no longer be impaired by caffeine, based on a metabolic half-life of 5.7 hours.
TARGET: Natural number. Target caffeine amount (in milligrams) for
bedtime. Recommendation: 50 to 100
TIME_AMOUNT: Format is '24-hour-time:amount'. 'Amount' is milligrams of
caffeine. E.g, '1100:300'
python 75 '1100:300' '1500:5'
is how many milligrams of caffeine the user wants in their system at bedtime.'1100:300'
means the user had 300mg of caffeine at 11:00 a.m.'1500:5'
means the user had 5mg of caffeine at 3:00 p.m.
- Python 3
- pip (pip3, for Python 3)
- virtualenv (
pip install virtualenv
# Clone repo
git clone
cd caffeine-bedtime-calculator
# Using a virtual environment is recommended, but not required. You may
# skip these steps.
virtualenv venv -p python3
. venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt