Gosemki is command line / daemon tool intended to be integrated with source code editor or IDE. Using this tool with JSON API editor can get
- highlight hints for all identifiers in code
- syntax and semantic errors
- code folding hints
Gosemki uses client/server architecture to implement caching in future releases.
Results in JSON format use following scheme:
{ "Ranges": [{ // List of hints for identifiers highlighting in editor
"lin": 1, // Line number where identifier placed
"col": 2, // Column where identifier starts
"off": 2, // Byte offset from source file start to first char of identifier
"len": 4, // Length of identifier
"knd": "pkg" // 'pkg' for imported packages, 'con' for constants, 'typ' for types, 'var' for variables, 'fun' for funcs, 'lbl' for goto labels and 'fld' for struct fields
"Outline": [{ // List of items for document outline
"lin": 1, // Line number where identifier placed
"col": 2, // Column where identifier starts
"off": 2, // Byte offset from source file start to first char of identifier
"str": 4, // Title of outline item
"knd": "pkg" // 'typ' for types, 'fun' for funcs
"Errors": [{ // List of syntax and semantic errors
"lin": 1, // Line number where error occured
"col": 2, // Column where error starts
"offset": 2, // Byte offset from source file start to the place of error
"len": 4, // Length of errorneous code
"msg": "..." // Error message from Go compiler
"Folds": [{ // Lists of ranges for code folding in editor
"from": 12 // First line of code folding range
"to": 20 // Last line of code folding range
InPanic: false // This flag is true after daemon panic occured