PHP bindings for rlite. For more information about rlite, go to rlite repository
Before installing rlite-php, you'll need to install rlite
git clone
cd rlite
make && sudo make install
Now you can continue with the extension set up.
git clone
cd phpiredis
phpize && ./configure --enable-rlite
make && sudo make install
$rlite = create_rlite_connection(':memory:');
rlite_command($rlite, ['RPUSH', 'test', '1', '2', '3']);
var_dump(rlite_command($rlite, ['LRANGE', 'test', '0', '-1']));
array(3) {
string(1) "1"
string(1) "2"
string(1) "3"
$rlite = create_rlite_connection('./mydb.rld');
rlite_command($rlite, ['SET', 'key', 'value']);
$rlite = create_rlite_connection('./mydb.rld');
var_dump(rlite_command($rlite, ['GET', 'key']));
string(5) "value"