This is a Django project template preconfigured with:
- Vital dev tools (django-debug-toolbar, django-extensions)
- Linting enforced with pre-commit hooks with ruff
- Testing with pytest & pytest-cov
- Quick styling with TailwindCSS
- Assets compilation with Vite (using django-vite)
- Fast, transparent & reproducible development setup with Direnv & Devenv
- Packaging & dependency management with Nix or Poetry
- Command execution with just
- Mail preview with Mailhog
- Wagtail CMS (optional)
- Custom user model (optional)
This template allows you to get a working Django project with a reproducible dev setup in 40 seconds! See for yourself:
To create a new project using this template, you will first need to install:
Once you have these tools installed, run:
nix run nixpkgs#cookiecutter gh:sephii/django-template
Make sure to initialize a git repository in your newly created project directory
(cd my_project; git init; git add .
), and follow the instructions in the
If you plan to deploy your site on NixOS, have a look at django.nix!
If you’re using Poetry, make the necessary changes to pyproject.toml
and run direnv reload
If you’re using Nix packaging, make the necessary changes to requirements.nix
or requirements_dev.nix
(search for packages with nix search nixpkgs mypackage
and run direnv reload
Open flake.nix
and change the Python package used. For example to use Python 3.11, change:
python = pkgs': pkgs'.python3;
python = pkgs': pkgs'.python311;
If you’re using Poetry, set the version directly in pyproject.toml
and run direnv reload
If you’re using Nix packaging, set the package version in
in flake.nix
. For example to use a specific Django
pythonPackagesExtensions = prev.pythonPackagesExtensions ++ [
(python-final: python-prev: {
# my_project = drvWithDeps ./requirements.nix;
# my_project-dev = drvWithDeps ./requirements_dev.nix;
django = python-prev.django_4.overridePythonAttrs (old: rec {
version = "4.0.8";
src = python-final.fetchPypi {
pname = "Django";
inherit version;
# To get the hash, use `nix-prefetch-url` with the URL of the package on PyPI
hash = "sha256-B+ZDPyY8ODmTnPq+ttdVeEHgQZ5HdZp7fTf21E1Arcs=";
cd src/assets
npm i --save --package-lock-only mypackage
direnv reload
You might get an error when running npm
related to the presence of
. If that’s the case, remove the node_modules
symlink and try again.
Use the provided nixos.nix
NixOS module. Here is a sample flake.nix
using the provided NixOS module:
inputs.myproject.url = "github:exampleorg/exampleproject";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, myproject }: let
system = "x86_64-linux";
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [ myproject.overlays.default ];
in {
nixosConfigurations.myserver = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
inherit system;
modules = [
services.myproject = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.python3.pkgs.myproject;
staticFilesPackage = pkgs.myproject-static;
user = "myproject";
group = "myproject";
appServer = {
enable = true;
webServer = {
enable = true;
hostName = "";
environmentFiles = [
# Use a secure way to create a file with your database url and secret key, eg.
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
ensureDatabases = [ "myproject" ];
ensureUsers = [{ name = "myproject"; ensurePermissions = { "DATABASE myproject" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; }];