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[DEPRECATED:warning:] api-v3-sdk

Please upgrade to brevo-ruby

SendinBlue's API v3 Ruby Library

SendinBlue's API exposes the entire SendinBlue features via a standardized programmatic interface. Please refer to the full documentation to learn more.

This is the wrapper for the API. It implements all the features of the API v3.

SendinBlue's API matches the OpenAPI v2 definition. The specification can be downloaded here.

This RUBY package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project and is reviewed and maintained by SendinBlue:

  • API version: 3.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen

For more information, please visit


Build a gem

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sib-api-v3-sdk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ ( sudo ) gem install sib-api-v3-sdk

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'sib-api-v3-sdk', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'sib-api-v3-sdk'

# Setup authorization
SibApiV3Sdk.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api-key
  config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['api-key'] = 'Bearer'

  # Configure API key authorization: partner-key
  config.api_key['partner-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['partner-key'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =

  #Get your account information, plan and credits details
  result = api_instance.get_account
  p result
rescue SibApiV3Sdk::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AccountApi->get_account: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
SibApiV3Sdk::AccountApi get_account GET /account Get your account information, plan and credits details
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_attributes_get GET /companies/attributes Get company attributes
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_get GET /companies Get all companies
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_id_delete DELETE /companies/{id} Delete a company
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_id_get GET /companies/{id} Get a company
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_id_patch PATCH /companies/{id} Update a company
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_link_unlink_id_patch PATCH /companies/link-unlink/{id} Link and Unlink company with contacts and deals
SibApiV3Sdk::CompaniesApi companies_post POST /companies Create a company
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi add_contact_to_list POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/add Add existing contacts to a list
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi create_attribute POST /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} Create contact attribute
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi create_contact POST /contacts Create a contact
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi create_doi_contact POST /contacts/doubleOptinConfirmation Create Contact via DOI (Double-Opt-In) Flow
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi create_folder POST /contacts/folders Create a folder
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi create_list POST /contacts/lists Create a list
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi delete_attribute DELETE /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} Delete an attribute
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi delete_contact DELETE /contacts/{identifier} Delete a contact
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi delete_folder DELETE /contacts/folders/{folderId} Delete a folder (and all its lists)
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi delete_list DELETE /contacts/lists/{listId} Delete a list
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_attributes GET /contacts/attributes List all attributes
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_contact_info GET /contacts/{identifier} Get a contact's details
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_contact_stats GET /contacts/{identifier}/campaignStats Get email campaigns' statistics for a contact
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_contacts GET /contacts Get all the contacts
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_contacts_from_list GET /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts Get contacts in a list
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_folder GET /contacts/folders/{folderId} Returns a folder's details
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_folder_lists GET /contacts/folders/{folderId}/lists Get lists in a folder
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_folders GET /contacts/folders Get all folders
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_list GET /contacts/lists/{listId} Get a list's details
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi get_lists GET /contacts/lists Get all the lists
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi import_contacts POST /contacts/import Import contacts
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi remove_contact_from_list POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/remove Delete a contact from a list
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi request_contact_export POST /contacts/export Export contacts
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi update_attribute PUT /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} Update contact attribute
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi update_batch_contacts POST /contacts/batch Update multiple contacts
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi update_contact PUT /contacts/{identifier} Update a contact
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi update_folder PUT /contacts/folders/{folderId} Update a folder
SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi update_list PUT /contacts/lists/{listId} Update a list
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_agent_online_ping_post POST /conversations/agentOnlinePing Sets agent’s status to online for 2-3 minutes
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_messages_id_delete DELETE /conversations/messages/{id} Delete a message sent by an agent
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_messages_id_get GET /conversations/messages/{id} Get a message
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_messages_id_put PUT /conversations/messages/{id} Update a message sent by an agent
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_messages_post POST /conversations/messages Send a message as an agent
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_pushed_messages_id_delete DELETE /conversations/pushedMessages/{id} Delete an automated message
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_pushed_messages_id_get GET /conversations/pushedMessages/{id} Get an automated message
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_pushed_messages_id_put PUT /conversations/pushedMessages/{id} Update an automated message
SibApiV3Sdk::ConversationsApi conversations_pushed_messages_post POST /conversations/pushedMessages Send an automated message to a visitor
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_attributes_deals_get GET /crm/attributes/deals Get deal attributes
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_deals_get GET /crm/deals Get all deals
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_deals_id_delete DELETE /crm/deals/{id} Delete a deal
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_deals_id_get GET /crm/deals/{id} Get a deal
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_deals_id_patch PATCH /crm/deals/{id} Update a deal
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_deals_link_unlink_id_patch PATCH /crm/deals/link-unlink/{id} Link and Unlink a deal with contacts and companies
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_deals_post POST /crm/deals Create a deal
SibApiV3Sdk::DealsApi crm_pipeline_details_get GET /crm/pipeline/details Get pipeline stages
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi create_email_campaign POST /emailCampaigns Create an email campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi delete_email_campaign DELETE /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} Delete an email campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi email_export_recipients POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients Export the recipients of an email campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi get_ab_test_campaign_result GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/abTestCampaignResult Get an A/B test email campaign results
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi get_email_campaign GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} Get an email campaign report
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi get_email_campaigns GET /emailCampaigns Return all your created email campaigns
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi get_shared_template_url GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sharedUrl Get a shared template url
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi send_email_campaign_now POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendNow Send an email campaign immediately, based on campaignId
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi send_report POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendReport Send the report of a campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi send_test_email POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendTest Send an email campaign to your test list
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi update_campaign_status PUT /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/status Update an email campaign status
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi update_email_campaign PUT /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} Update an email campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi upload_image_to_gallery POST /emailCampaigns/images Upload an image to your account's image gallery
SibApiV3Sdk::FilesApi crm_files_get GET /crm/files Get all files
SibApiV3Sdk::FilesApi crm_files_id_data_get GET /crm/files/{id}/data Get file details
SibApiV3Sdk::FilesApi crm_files_id_delete DELETE /crm/files/{id} Delete a file
SibApiV3Sdk::FilesApi crm_files_id_get GET /crm/files/{id} Download a file
SibApiV3Sdk::FilesApi crm_files_post POST /crm/files Upload a file
SibApiV3Sdk::InboundParsingApi get_inbound_email_attachment GET /inbound/attachments/{downloadToken} Retrieve inbound attachment with download token.
SibApiV3Sdk::InboundParsingApi get_inbound_email_events GET /inbound/events Get the list of all the events for the received emails.
SibApiV3Sdk::InboundParsingApi get_inbound_email_events_by_uuid GET /inbound/events/{uuid} Fetch all events history for one particular received email.
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_master_account_get GET /corporate/masterAccount Get the details of requested master account
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_sub_account_get GET /corporate/subAccount Get the list of all the sub-accounts of the master account.
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_sub_account_id_delete DELETE /corporate/subAccount/{id} Delete a sub-account
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_sub_account_id_get GET /corporate/subAccount/{id} Get sub-account details
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_sub_account_id_plan_put PUT /corporate/subAccount/{id}/plan Update sub-account plan
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_sub_account_post POST /corporate/subAccount Create a new sub-account under a master account.
SibApiV3Sdk::MasterAccountApi corporate_sub_account_sso_token_post POST /corporate/subAccount/ssoToken Generate SSO token to access Sendinblue
SibApiV3Sdk::NotesApi crm_notes_get GET /crm/notes Get all notes
SibApiV3Sdk::NotesApi crm_notes_id_delete DELETE /crm/notes/{id} Delete a note
SibApiV3Sdk::NotesApi crm_notes_id_get GET /crm/notes/{id} Get a note
SibApiV3Sdk::NotesApi crm_notes_id_patch PATCH /crm/notes/{id} Update a note
SibApiV3Sdk::NotesApi crm_notes_post POST /crm/notes Create a note
SibApiV3Sdk::ProcessApi get_process GET /processes/{processId} Return the informations for a process
SibApiV3Sdk::ProcessApi get_processes GET /processes Return all the processes for your account
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi add_credits POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/credits/add Add Email and/or SMS credits to a specific child account
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi associate_ip_to_child POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/ips/associate Associate a dedicated IP to the child
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi create_child_domain POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains Create a domain for a child account
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi create_reseller_child POST /reseller/children Creates a reseller child
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi delete_child_domain DELETE /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains/{domainName} Delete the sender domain of the reseller child based on the childIdentifier and domainName passed
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi delete_reseller_child DELETE /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} Delete a single reseller child based on the child identifier supplied
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi dissociate_ip_from_child POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/ips/dissociate Dissociate a dedicated IP to the child
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi get_child_account_creation_status GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/accountCreationStatus Get the status of a reseller's child account creation, whether it is successfully created (exists) or not based on the identifier supplied
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi get_child_domains GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains Get all sender domains for a specific child account
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi get_child_info GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} Get a child account's details
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi get_reseller_childs GET /reseller/children Get the list of all children accounts
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi get_sso_token GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/auth Get session token to access Sendinblue (SSO)
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi remove_credits POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/credits/remove Remove Email and/or SMS credits from a specific child account
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi update_child_account_status PUT /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/accountStatus Update info of reseller's child account status based on the childIdentifier supplied
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi update_child_domain PUT /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains/{domainName} Update the sender domain of reseller's child based on the childIdentifier and domainName passed
SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi update_reseller_child PUT /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} Update info of reseller's child based on the child identifier supplied
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi create_sms_campaign POST /smsCampaigns Creates an SMS campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi delete_sms_campaign DELETE /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} Delete an SMS campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi get_sms_campaign GET /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} Get an SMS campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi get_sms_campaigns GET /smsCampaigns Returns the information for all your created SMS campaigns
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi request_sms_recipient_export POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients Export an SMS campaign's recipients
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi send_sms_campaign_now POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendNow Send your SMS campaign immediately
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi send_sms_report POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendReport Send an SMS campaign's report
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi send_test_sms POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendTest Send a test SMS campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi update_sms_campaign PUT /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} Update an SMS campaign
SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi update_sms_campaign_status PUT /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/status Update a campaign's status
SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi create_sender POST /senders Create a new sender
SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi delete_sender DELETE /senders/{senderId} Delete a sender
SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi get_ips GET /senders/ips Get all the dedicated IPs for your account
SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi get_ips_from_sender GET /senders/{senderId}/ips Get all the dedicated IPs for a sender
SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi get_senders GET /senders Get the list of all your senders
SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi update_sender PUT /senders/{senderId} Update a sender
SibApiV3Sdk::TasksApi crm_tasks_get GET /crm/tasks Get all tasks
SibApiV3Sdk::TasksApi crm_tasks_id_delete DELETE /crm/tasks/{id} Delete a task
SibApiV3Sdk::TasksApi crm_tasks_id_get GET /crm/tasks/{id} Get a task
SibApiV3Sdk::TasksApi crm_tasks_id_patch PATCH /crm/tasks/{id} Update a task
SibApiV3Sdk::TasksApi crm_tasks_post POST /crm/tasks Create a task
SibApiV3Sdk::TasksApi crm_tasktypes_get GET /crm/tasktypes Get all task types
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi block_new_domain POST /smtp/blockedDomains Add a new domain to the list of blocked domains
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi create_smtp_template POST /smtp/templates Create an email template
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi delete_blocked_domain DELETE /smtp/blockedDomains/{domain} Unblock an existing domain from the list of blocked domains
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi delete_hardbounces POST /smtp/deleteHardbounces Delete hardbounces
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi delete_scheduled_email_by_id DELETE /smtp/email/{identifier} Delete scheduled emails by batchId or messageId
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi delete_smtp_template DELETE /smtp/templates/{templateId} Delete an inactive email template
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_aggregated_smtp_report GET /smtp/statistics/aggregatedReport Get your transactional email activity aggregated over a period of time
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_blocked_domains GET /smtp/blockedDomains Get the list of blocked domains
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_email_event_report GET /smtp/statistics/events Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events)
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_scheduled_email_by_batch_id GET /smtp/emailStatus/{batchId} Fetch scheduled emails by batchId
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_scheduled_email_by_message_id GET /smtp/emailStatus/{messageId} Fetch scheduled email by messageId
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_smtp_report GET /smtp/statistics/reports Get your transactional email activity aggregated per day
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_smtp_template GET /smtp/templates/{templateId} Returns the template information
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_smtp_templates GET /smtp/templates Get the list of email templates
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_transac_blocked_contacts GET /smtp/blockedContacts Get the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contacts
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_transac_email_content GET /smtp/emails/{uuid} Get the personalized content of a sent transactional email
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi get_transac_emails_list GET /smtp/emails Get the list of transactional emails on the basis of allowed filters
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi send_test_template POST /smtp/templates/{templateId}/sendTest Send a template to your test list
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi send_transac_email POST /smtp/email Send a transactional email
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi smtp_blocked_contacts_email_delete DELETE /smtp/blockedContacts/{email} Unblock or resubscribe a transactional contact
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi smtp_log_message_id_delete DELETE /smtp/log/{messageId} Delete an SMTP transactional log
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalEmailsApi update_smtp_template PUT /smtp/templates/{templateId} Update an email template
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi get_sms_events GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/events Get all your SMS activity (unaggregated events)
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi get_transac_aggregated_sms_report GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/aggregatedReport Get your SMS activity aggregated over a period of time
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi get_transac_sms_report GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/reports Get your SMS activity aggregated per day
SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi send_transac_sms POST /transactionalSMS/sms Send SMS message to a mobile number
SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi create_webhook POST /webhooks Create a webhook
SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi delete_webhook DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} Delete a webhook
SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi get_webhook GET /webhooks/{webhookId} Get a webhook details
SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi get_webhooks GET /webhooks Get all webhooks
SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi update_webhook PUT /webhooks/{webhookId} Update a webhook

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api-key
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: partner-key
  • Location: HTTP header

Support and Feedback

Be sure to visit the SendinBlue official documentation website for additional information about our API.

If you find a bug, please post the issue on Github.

As always, if you need additional assistance, drop us a note here.


Please follow camelCase convention for variables in the API's. For example, use customVariable instead of custom_variable.