- Create Virtual Environment using “virtualenv” and add it to Jupyter Notebook
- Create Virtual Environment using “conda” and add it to Jupyter Notebook
- 7 ways to load external data into Google Colab
- Reading & Writing data
- 4 tricks to parse date columns with Pandas
| 📙 Notebook - Pandas
tricks you should know | 📙 Notebook - All Pandas
you should know for scraping data from HTML tables | 📙 Notebook - How to convert JSON into a Pandas DataFrame? | 📙 Notebook
- Pandas
for flattening JSON | 📙 Notebook
- 4 tricks to parse date columns with Pandas
- Data Profiling
- Data Preprocessing
- What is One-Hot Encoding and how to use
| 📙 Notebook - Working with missing values in Pandas | TBA soon
- Working with datetime in Pandas DataFrame | 📙 Notebook
- 11 Tricks to Master
in Pandas | 📙 Notebook - How to do a Custom Sort on Pandas DataFrame | 📙 Notebook
- Pandas
to transform numerical data into categorical data | 📙 Notebook - Pandas
for binning numerical data based on sample quantiles | 📙 Notebook - Finding and removing duplicate rows in Pandas DataFrame | 📙 Notebook
- Renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame | 📙 Notebook
- 10 tricks for Converting data to a numeric type | 📙 Notebook
- 10 tricks for Converting numbers and strings to datetime | 📙 Notebook
- Pandas
tricks for manipulating time-series data | 📙 Notebook - When to use Pandas
function | 📙 Notebook - Difference between
in Pandas | 📙 Notebook - Introduction to Pandas
, andmap()
| TBA soon - All the Pandas
you should know | 📙 Notebook
- What is One-Hot Encoding and how to use
- Combining data
- Selecting and Querying
- Reshaping
- Reshaping a DataFrame from wide to long format using
| 📙 Notebook pivot()
long to wide (work in progress)stack()
(work in progress TBA)
- Reshaping a DataFrame from wide to long format using
- Grouping and Summarizing
- Best Practice & Code Readability
- Using Pandas
to improve code readability | 📙 Notebook - Using Pandas method chaining to improve code readability | 📙 Notebook
- 7 setups you should include at the beginning of a data science project | 📙 Notebook
- 6 Pandas Tricks you should know to speed up your data analysis | 📙 Notebook
- 8 Commonly used Pandas display options you should know | 📙 Notebook
- Using Pandas
- Introduction & Others
- Python Interactive Data Visualization with Altair | Gist
- Interactive Data Visualization for exploring Coronavirus Spreads | Gist
- Matplotlib animation in Jupyter Notebook | 📙 Notebook
- Matplotlib Linear Regression animation in Jupyter Notebook | 📙 Notebook
- The Google's 7 steps of Machine Learing in Practice | Notebook
- 3 ways to create a Machine Learning model with Keras and TensorFlow 2.0 | Notebook
- Model Regularization in practice | Notebook
- Batch Normalization in practice | Notebook
- Early Stopping in practice | Notebook
- Learning Rate schedules in Practice | Notebook
- Keras Callbacks in Practice | Notebook
- Keras Custom Callbacks | Notebook
- 7 popular activation functions in Deep Learning | Notebook
- Why ReLU in Deep Learning and the best practice | Notebook
- A Practical Introduction to Grid Search, Random Search, and Bayes Search | 📙 Notebook
- A Practical Introduction to 9 Regression Algorithms | 📙 Notebook
- Train-Test split and Cross-Validation you should know in Machine Learning (TBA) | 📙 Notebook