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A Python command line tool to query the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Adult Cardiac Risk Calculator API with bulk patient records.


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Bulk STS Risk Calculator Query Tool

License: GPL v3 Code Style

Repeatedly query the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Risk Calculator using bulk .csv patient data.



This is a minimalist Python command line tool to query the STS risk calculator with bulk patient records. This returns all available mortality and complication data from the STS. There is no upper limit to your query size -- this has been successfully run on datasets of ~500+ patients.

The STS Calculator itself is a black box — patient parameters are passed to the STS API and a risk is returned (almost no computing happens client side). A few obvious parameters impact mortality heavily (e.g. ESRD).


  • Programmatically queries the STS Short-Term Risk Calculator (version 4.2)
  • Parses input .csv records of patients
  • Performs automatic validation of most input records
  • Optionally override individual parameters from your bulk records
    • For example, how does mortality change if all patients have the same age or renal function?
  • Returns all avalable STS risk model parameters (mortality, prolonged ventilation, reoperation, etc.)

Example Usage

You must provide a CSV with a unique id per row, followed by a minimum of procid, age, weightkg, and heightkg. All other parameters are optional.

The most critical step is formatting your data to exactly match the STS risk parameter names & values (detailed here). The calculator API is inflexible -- spacing, capitalization, etc. must be identical to the STS database.

0. Setup this script

For example, on Mac, open the Terminal app and enter:

git clone
cd sts-risk-calculator-cli
pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Define input patient .csv (e.g. sample_data.csv)

1,1,56,Male,08/11/2017,72,124,1.5,"Commercial Health Insurance"
3,4,42,Male,7/21/2021,50,110,1.2,"Non-U.S. Plan"

2. Run sts-query

$ ./ --csv sample_data.csv --output sample_results.csv
Validating CSV entries...

Querying STS API.
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:01<00:00,  2.34it/s]

Results written to: sample_results.csv

3. Inspect results

$ cat sample_results.csv

The STS result abbreviations (e.g. predstro) are described here.

Full Options

$ ./
usage: [options]

Query the STS Short-Term Risk Calculator (v4.2) via a CSV.
Please cite this repository if you're using in a publication.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv patient-data.csv
                        Your input patient data .csv. (default: None)
  --dry-run             Only validate data, do not query the STS API. (default: False)
  --output results.csv  Where to store results. (default: results.csv)
  --override stsvariable=value [stsvariable=value ...]
                        Override values sent to the STS API,
                        e.g. make all patients the same age with --override age=50 (default: None)

Override Parameters

Using the --override flag, you can provide parameters to the STS API that override or fill in missing data in your .csv. For example, you can pass --override age=50 to set the age of all patients to 50. You can provide multiple values, for example --override dialysis=Yes procid=2 will set every patient on dialysis and set the procid to 2 (AVR).

This can be useful when comparing mortality predictions associated with population-level interventions. For example, you can ask: What if all these patients stopped smoking? or What if everyone had good diabetes control?

Citation & License

If you use this in your publication, please consider citing this work as: STS Risk Calculator CLI, Nicholas P. Semenkovich, 2022.

Released under the MIT License. Copyright 2022, Nick Semenkovich <[email protected]>

STS Result Abbreviations

STS Abbreviation Value
predmort Mortality
predrenf Renal Failure
predstro Permanent Stroke
predvent Prolonged Ventilation
preddeep Deep Surgical Infection
predreop Reoperation
predmm Morbidity or Mortality
pred6d Short Length of Stay
pred14d Long Length of Stay

STS Parameters

The STS Risk Calculator version 4.2 defines these parameters. Note that the API is a bit sketchy: abbreviations are difficult to decipher and erratic (e.g. sometimes "race" is truncated to "rac"), and types are strange (sometimes fields want integers, while other times they want strings like "Two" …).

STS Field ID Description/Notes Options
procid Procedure ID (Required) {CAB: 1, AVR: 2, MVR: 3, AVR+CAB: 4, MVR+CAB: 5, None: 6, MVRepair: 7, MVRepair+CAB: 8}
age (Required) 1-110
gender Male/Female/[Empty]
raceasian Yes/[Empty]
raceblack Yes/[Empty]
racenativeam Yes/[Empty]
racnativepacific Yes/[Empty]
ethnicity Hispanic, latino, or spanish ethnicity Yes/[Empty]
payorprim Primary payor (see STS site: "None / self", …)
payorsecond Secondary payor (requires payorprim to be set) … 
surgdt Surgery date as MM/DD/YYYY
weightkg (Required) 10-250
heightcm (Required) 20-251
hct 1-100
wbc 0.1-100
platelets 1000-90,000
creatlst Last creatinine 0.10-30
dialysis Yes/[Empty]
hypertn Yes/[Empty]
immsupp Yes/[Empty]
pvd Yes/[Empty]
cvd Cerebrovascular disease Yes/[Empty]
cvdtia Prior TIA (requires cva=Yes) Yes/[Empty]
cvdpcarsurg Prior carotid artery surgery/stenting Yes/[Empty]
mediastrad Mediastinal radiation Yes/[Empty]
cancer Yes/[Empty]
fhcad Yes/[Empty]
slpapn Sleep apnea Yes/[Empty]
liverdis Yes/[Empty]
unrespstat Unresponsive Yes/[Empty]
syncope Yes/[Empty]
diabetes Yes/[Empty]
diabctrl Diabetes control (see STS site: "None", "Diet only" …)
infendo Infective endocarditis Yes/[Empty]
infendty Endocarditis treatment status Treated/Active
cva Prior CVA Yes/[Empty]
cvawhen CVA timing (see STS site)
chrlungd Chronic lung disease (see STS site)
cvdstenrt Right carotid stenosis (see STS site)
cvdstenlft Left carotid stensosis (see STS site)
ivdrugab Illicit drug use Yes/[Empty]
alcohol EtOH Use (see STS site)
pneumonia Pneumonia (see STS site)
tobaccouse Smoking status (see STS site)
hmo2 Home O2 Use (see STS site)
prcvint Prior CV intervention (see STS site)
prcab Prior CABG Yes/[Empty]
prvalve Prior valve Yes/[Empty]
prvalveproc1 Prior valve procedure #1 type (see STS site)
poc Prior other cardiac procedure Yes/[Empty]
pocint1 Prior other procedure #1 (see STS site: "Aortic valve balloon…")
pocpci Prior PCI Yes/[Empty]
pocpciwhen PCI within this episode of care (see STS site)
pocpciin PCI Interval (see STS site)
miwhen MI Timing (see STS site: "<=6 Hrs", … )
heartfailtmg HF onset Acute/Chronic/Both/[Empty]
classnyh HF class (see STS site: "Class I" … )
cardsymptimeofadm Symptoms on admission (see STS site: "Stable angina" …)
carshock Shock at time of procedure (see STS site: "Yes - At the time…" …)
arrhythatrfib Afib None / Remote (> 30 days preop) / Recent (<= 30 days preop)
arrhythafib Afib type Paroxysmal/Persistent
arrhythaflutter Aflutter None / Remote (> 30 days preop) / Recent (<= 30 days preop)
arrhyththird 3rd deg AVB None / Remote (> 30 days preop) / Recent (<= 30 days preop)
arrhythsecond 2nd deg AVB None / Remote (> 30 days preop) / Recent (<= 30 days preop)
arrhythsss SSS None/Remote (> 30 days preop)/Recent (<= 30 days preop)
arrhythvv VF/VT None/Remote (> 30 days preop)/Recent (<= 30 days preop)
medinotr Inotropes Yes/[Empty]
medadp5days ADP-i/P2Y12 Yes/[Empty]
medadpidis Days Since ADP-i Discontinued 0-5
medacei48 ACE/ARB Yes/[Empty]
medbeta Beta blocker Yes/[Empty]
medster Steroids Yes/[Empty]
medgp GP2B3A Yes/[Empty]
resusc Active resuscitation (see STS site)
numdisv Number of diseased vessels None/One/Two/Three (String)
stenleftmain L main stenosis Yes/No/[Empty]
laddiststenpercent % LAD stenosis "50 - 69%" or ">=70%" or [Empty]
hdef EF 1.0-99.0
vdstena AS Yes/[Empty]
vdstenm MS Yes/[Empty]
vdinsufa AI Yes/[Empty]
vdinsufm MR Yes/[Empty]
vdinsuft TR Yes/[Empty]
vdaoprimet Valve indication (see STS site)
incidenc Incidence (see STS site)
status Status (see STS site: Elective/Urgent/…)
iabpwhen IABP Timing Preop/Intraop/Postop/[Empty]
cathbasassistwhen Cath assist Preop/Intraop/Postop/[Empty]
ecmowhen ECMO Timing Preop/Intraop/Postop/Non-operative/[Empty]
calculatedbmi Internally Calculated Do not provide this value.


A Python command line tool to query the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Adult Cardiac Risk Calculator API with bulk patient records.








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