This collection should enable self-hosters full control of their infrastructure and data (GDPR-focus when external services are used). It will be OSS forever and everyone should be able to integrate it into their infrastructure (or product). We do not re-invent the wheel, if there is a good role or collection somewhere else: we won`t duplicate it (unless important features are missing).
supported distributions:
- Debian (all supported versions)
- Ubuntu (supported LTS-Versions)
- Redhat-based distributions (best-effort-basis), mainly centos stream
2DO in general:
- CI (travis, gitlab runner, ...?)
list of own roles (see recommended roles in Roadmap if you miss something).
Basic Roles | Description |
compute_instance | create Linux instances (VMs) via cloud-init with automatic IP-assignment and configuration |
baserole | configuration role for (new) Linux systems |
Roles for apps and services | Description |
apache | apache webserver |
ansible semaphore | ansible semaphore (ansible GUI) |
bacula | backup system |
certbot | certbot (letsencrypt) |
dokuwiki | dokuwiki (PHP+file-based wiki) |
gitea | gitea (git server) |
libvirt | simple virtualization via libvirt+KVM |
mailrelay | relay mails via postfix |
mattermost | mattermost (instant messenger) |
mysql backup | simple mysqldump wrapper |
netbox | netbox (documentation and IPAM functionality) |
nginx (common) | nginx common role |
postfix mailrelay) | postfix mailrelaying |
samba (standalone) | samba fileserver (standalone, without AD) |
uptimekuma | uptime kuma (monitoring and status page tool) |
vaultwarden | vaultwarden is a good zero-knowledge passwordmanager (compatible to bitwarden) |
zabbix_checks | a couple of useful templates and userparameters for zabbix (monitoring system) |
minimum ansible version: 2.10
good documentation (preferably a link to a basic user documentation too)
example playbook
proper code formatting (ansible-lint)
classify variables per role
- required (execution fails if not defined)
- recommended (common customization)
- optional (less commonly changed)
- other roles
- needed pip-modules on target
definition of variables and dependencies (see above) need to be machine-readable to enable automation/custom GUIs) -> 2DO define fileformat!
python3 is required
active maintainers!
the following two files contains all roles and collections which are referenced in example and/or recommended for usage:
pip3 install ansible ansible-lint
python3 (packages or pip):
- dnspython
- python3-pip (optional)
- python3-mysqldb (debian/ubuntu) or python3-mysqlclient (centos&redhat)
- python3-six
- python3-apt
if pip is marked as externally managed it might need to use "--break-system-packages" (i.e. on debian12)
GPLv3 (unless explicitly stated otherwise)
Q: Why not plain shellscripts? A: Shellscript have full flexibility ... but you`ll need to implement everything yourself:
- templating with condition and variable expansion
- handlers (run action when certain condition are met, i.e. restart service only when config is changed via template)
- are not idempotent (it does not have the same result when you run it again)
- re-implement code stuff that is already available today (ansible galaxy has tons of code)
- validate config for services that offer it (i.e. prevent broken sudo configs ...)
- automated/unattended run (installations are not always done interactivly done by a humans!)
- check-mode (-C) has the ability to show what changes would have been applied
- error-handling: try to trap errors with pipefail ... that blows up code massively. Example for error-handling in bash (how many of your scripts does implement something similar?):
set -eo pipefail
cleanup() {
# remove temp files
trap cleanup 0
error() {
local parent_lineno="$1"
local message="$2"
local code="${3:-1}"
if [[ -n "$message" ]] ; then
error_message="Error on or near line ${parent_lineno}: ${message}; exiting with status ${code}"
error_message="Error on or near line ${parent_lineno}; exiting with status ${code}"
echo "$error_message" # for cron
exit "${code}"
trap 'error ${LINENO}' ERR
- debops
- cloudron:
- yunohost:
- bitnami (aquired by vmware)
- turnkey (own scripts)
- coolify
- pikapods (based on docker)
- CapRover (based on docker, nginx)
deploy tools:
- vercel
- ...
organizations supporting hosting: