SelfGuard allows you to easily encrypt and tokenize data in a secure and compliant manner.
Get your API-Key at
This NPM Module allows you to directly import SelfGuard's pre-built react components. The first one being encrypted notifications.
npm install selfguard-react-components
import {Notifications} from 'selfguard-react-components';
<Notifications userAddress={address} api_key={API_KEY} />
Once users have signed up for notifications on your dapp, you will be able to see the list of your users in the SelfGuard dashboard. You can then send them notifications using the following APIS.
await sg.sendSMS({address:'0xadfb..',text:'Example Text'});
await sg.sendEmail({address:'0xadfb..',from:'[email protected]',fromName:'test',replyTo:'[email protected]', reployToName:'test',subject:'Test Subject', html:'This is the content of the email'});