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Good blog post from Argo Team on CI/CD configuration management.

Argo project is made up of a number of solutions, I will review them here:

  • Argo Workflow (ArgoWF)
  • ArgoCD
  • Argo Rollout
  • Argo Events

Argo Workflow (ArgoWF) is a workflow solution

It is compared to other workflow solutions I was intersted in it for the CI/CD use case but realized Lots of people look at for data pipeline and ML use cases, which was an intersting use case I had not thought of for Argo DAG. Here are some more options across those use cases, with native kubernetes solutions in the top:

This blog is for CI/CD workflow Here we discuss Jenkins and Spinnaker This discussion of workflow seems heavy on the CI side with Docker in Docker to build containers and Ansible to run tests, I am not sure I'm on board with that being the critical item in my problems, probably why Argo CI is not heavily supported. It is a well written article in covering the detail of ArgoWF.

The federation pattern of a master and client clusters is one that I like in providing seperation of concern, so this article I liked and there is this article from Crossplane on ArgoWF

In the open source there are three ways to do federation: The KubeFed is better suited for greenfield where you are building something from ground up which requires clients to use new, federated APIs, e.g., federated deployment templates, placements, and overrides.

The Admiralty and Crossplane are better suited in using existing kubernetes resources and wrapping them in the CRDs and annotations to proxy them to target clusters.

At this time Admiralty and Crossplane have different goals, Admiralty is focused on primitives around federating clusters at the pod level, and seamlessly scheduling workloads across multiple clusters. Working with kubernetes Pod is a start and other low level elements like Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and service mesh like Istio or Linkerd and other workloads like Knative.

Crossplane is focused on Multi-Cloud and Application level deployment as their Workloads. The vision more grand in terms of what they want to accomplish, and the level of elements they want to orchestrate is more coarse and not as aware of the underlying elements that are federated to remote cluster controllers. This is a good description of that pattern.

ArgoWF Execution

At the top level you have the steps and you could also have a higher level Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). DAG would encapsulate the steps and allow execution to follow the desired graph.

The execution of the steps are done using a container Pod. In additional you can run additional items along with the steps either with Daemon Containers that run for full workflow lifecycle or Sidecar Continaers for just the step in the same Pod as the step container. A special use of the sidecar pattern is the Docker In Docker Sidecar you can use for CI to build a contianer image and upload to registry.

ArgoWF Review

The ArgoWF Conditionals is interesting aspect, the YAML for DAG and steps are fairly straightforward. Here are some examples... When conditionals:

        when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == heads"

when conditional:

        when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == heads"

retryStrategy conditional that will dictate how failed or errored steps are retried:

      limit: 10
      retryPolicy: "Always"
        duration: "1"      # Must be a string. Default unit is seconds. Could also be a Duration, e.g.: "2m", "6h", "1d"
        factor: 2
        maxDuration: "1m"  # Must be a string. Default unit is seconds. Could also be a Duration, e.g.: "2m", "6h", "1d"

exit-handler invoked at the end of workflow:

onExit: exit-handler                  # invoke exit-hander template at end of the workflow
  # primary workflow template
  - name: intentional-fail
      image: alpine:latest
      command: [sh, -c]
      args: ["echo intentional failure; exit 1"]

  # Exit handler templates
  # After the completion of the entrypoint template, the status of the
  # workflow is made available in the global variable {{workflow.status}}.
  # {{workflow.status}} will be one of: Succeeded, Failed, Error
  - name: exit-handler
    - - name: notify
        template: send-email

activeDeadlineSeconds to limit the elapsed time for a workflow:

  - name: sleep
      image: alpine:latest
      command: [sh, -c]
      args: ["echo sleeping for 1m; sleep 60; echo done"]
    activeDeadlineSeconds: 10           # terminate container template after 10 seconds

Workflows can be suspended by

argo suspend WORKFLOW

Or by specifying a suspend step on the workflow:

kind: Workflow
  generateName: suspend-template-
  entrypoint: suspend
  - name: suspend
    - - name: build
        template: whalesay
    - - name: approve
        template: approve
    - - name: delay
        template: delay
    - - name: release
        template: whalesay

  - name: approve
    suspend: {}

  - name: delay
      duration: 20    # Default unit is seconds. Could also be a Duration, e.g.: "2m", "6h", "1d"

  - name: whalesay
      image: docker/whalesay
      command: [cowsay]
      args: ["hello world"]

Once suspended, a Workflow will not schedule any new steps until it is resumed. It can be resumed manually by

argo resume WORKFLOW

Or automatically with a duration limit as the example above.


It is primitive but does a good job showing you a view of what the ArgoWF controller sees, it is not designed to be multi-tenant, so it lacks security in knowing who is logging in and what they can see and do on ArgoWF. The ArgoWF UI is not on LoadBalancer so it is not directly exposed outside.


Good overview of the overall solutions in the CI/CD including ArgoCD. This is a good tutorial on ArgoCD from last KubeCon, which uses following Github repo for handon lab. I moved the content here so that it would be easier to reference so now it under

cd argocd/lab
kustomize build base

For the handson lab they used Digital Ocean we will do it on Minikube,

minikube start

see ArgoCD installation instructions:

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
kubectl create rolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=default:default

Install ArgoCD CLI, I'm using MacOS:

brew tap argoproj/tap
brew install argoproj/tap/argocd

Access The Argo CD API Server, by default, the Argo CD API server is not exposed with an external IP. To access the API server, so we change the argocd-server service type to LoadBalancer:

kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

You can follow the detail of the setup in the hands on lab README. The lab deployment base and overlay is already setup so you can follow the ArgoCD setup, first find the ArgoCD service:

❯ minikube service list
|  NAMESPACE  |         NAME          | TARGET PORT  |            URL             |
| argocd      | -server argocd        | http/80      | |
|             |                       | https/443    | |

The default password is set to the name of the server pod.

❯ kubectl -n argocd get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argocd-server-86cf69886-js4f7                    1/1     Running   0          96m
  • Click "Login Via Github"
  • Click "New application"
Field Value
Application name: seizadi-my-app
Project: default
Sync policy: Manual
Revision: HEAD
Path: examples/argocd/lab/overlays/dev
Cluster: https://kubernetes.default.svc
Namespace: default

The UI is smart enough to fill in some fields.

  • Click "Sync".
  • Click "Synchronize" in the Sliding panel.

Now you should have a green application and pod running.

We did all this from the UI, but we can see how this would work if we did it all from kubectl, there is also ArgoCD CLI that is layer above kubectl:

❯ k get crds
NAME                       CREATED AT   2020-06-24T22:57:23Z    2020-06-24T22:57:23Z

ArgoCD is fairly like weight it only has two CRDs that map to the top level Project and the Application we create from UI.

> k describe crd 
    Short Names:
    Singular:  application
> k describe crd
  Accepted Names:
    Kind:       AppProject
    List Kind:  AppProjectList
    Plural:     appprojects
    Short Names:
    Singular:  appproject
❯ k -n argocd get appprojects
default   167m
❯ k -n argocd describe  appproject default
Name:         default
Namespace:    argocd
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         AppProject
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-06-24T22:58:06Z
  Generation:          1
  Managed Fields:
    API Version:
    Fields Type:  FieldsV1
    Manager:         argocd-server
    Operation:       Update
    Time:            2020-06-24T22:58:06Z
  Resource Version:  873
  Self Link:         /apis/
  UID:               2dc12ce8-07da-4035-b100-65f455dc58a3
  Cluster Resource Whitelist:
    Group:  *
    Kind:   *
    Namespace:  *
    Server:     *
  Source Repos:
Events:  <none>

So looks like the ArgoCD project Spec is mainly a filter to limit the project to where and from what repos the Applications can be created.

  Cluster Resource Whitelist:
    Group:  *
    Kind:   *
    Namespace:  *
    Server:     *
  Source Repos:
❯ k -n argocd get apps
NAME             AGE
seizadi-my-app   30m
❯ k -n argocd get app seizadi-my-app
NAME             AGE
seizadi-my-app   31m
❯ k -n argocd describe app seizadi-my-app
Name:         seizadi-my-app
Namespace:    argocd
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Application
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-06-25T01:17:52Z
  Generation:          21
  Managed Fields:
    API Version:
    Manager:      argocd-server
    Operation:    Update
    Time:         2020-06-25T01:24:46Z
    API Version:
    Namespace:  default
    Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
  Project:      default
    Path:             argocd/lab/overlays/dev
    Repo URL:
    Target Revision:  HEAD
    Status:  Healthy
    Deployed At:  2020-06-25T01:24:46Z
    Id:           0
    Revision:     89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447
      Path:             argocd/lab/overlays/dev
      Repo URL:
      Target Revision:  HEAD
  Observed At:          2020-06-25T01:48:56Z
  Operation State:
    Finished At:  2020-06-25T01:24:46Z
    Message:      successfully synced (all tasks run)
      Initiated By:
        Username:  admin
        Revision:  89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447
        Sync Strategy:
    Phase:       Succeeded
    Started At:  2020-06-25T01:24:46Z
    Sync Result:
        Hook Phase:  Running
        Kind:        Pod
        Message:     pod/seizadi-my-app created
        Name:        seizadi-my-app
        Namespace:   default
        Status:      Synced
        Sync Phase:  Sync
        Version:     v1
      Revision:      89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447
        Path:             argocd/lab/overlays/dev
        Repo URL:
        Target Revision:  HEAD
  Reconciled At:          2020-06-25T01:48:56Z
      Status:   Healthy
    Kind:       Pod
    Name:       seizadi-my-app
    Namespace:  default
    Status:     Synced
    Version:    v1
  Source Type:  Kustomize
    Compared To:
        Namespace:  default
        Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
        Path:             argocd/lab/overlays/dev
        Repo URL:
        Target Revision:  HEAD
    Revision:             89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447
    Status:               Synced
  Type    Reason              Age   From                           Message
  ----    ------              ----  ----                           -------
  Normal  ResourceCreated     31m   argocd-server                  admin created application
  Normal  ResourceUpdated     31m   argocd-application-controller  Updated sync status:  -> OutOfSync
  Normal  ResourceUpdated     31m   argocd-application-controller  Updated health status:  -> Missing
  Normal  OperationStarted    27m   argocd-server                  admin initiated sync to HEAD (89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447)
  Normal  OperationCompleted  27m   argocd-application-controller  Sync operation to 89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447 succeeded
  Normal  OperationStarted    24m   argocd-server                  admin initiated sync to HEAD (89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447)
  Normal  ResourceUpdated     24m   argocd-application-controller  Updated sync status: OutOfSync -> Synced
  Normal  OperationCompleted  24m   argocd-application-controller  Sync operation to 89177d85261bca6d55cd418f4d52d8174ea25447 succeeded
  Normal  ResourceUpdated     24m   argocd-application-controller  Updated health status: Missing -> Progressing
  Normal  ResourceUpdated     24m   argocd-application-controller  Updated health status: Progressing -> Healthy

The ArgoCD Application Spec is very close to the UI presentation:

    Namespace:  default
    Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
  Project:      default
    Path:             argocd/lab/overlays/dev
    Repo URL:
    Target Revision:  HEAD

The Target Revision can be the git-id, tag or version of the source repo.

To follow the lab we make a change and now on UI hit Refresh and you should it is out of sync and should be able to see the difference and hit Sync which will cause the deployment to fail. We can use the hit rollback to restore to V1 version then update the git repo to v1 so both repo and ArgoCD are in sync.

ArgoCD Secrets

ArgoCD and Flux as GitOps tools both have to solve the Secret problem, since you don't want to store them in the repo and both propose to use Sealed Secrets This is the ArgoCD demo of it

ArgoCD Helm

ArgoCD can also act as a helm Operator using GitOps model. This helm hands on lab demonstrates how to publish a helm repo from Git repo. You can see in this part of the helm hands on lab how the helm app is deployed:

argocd app create helm-app --repo --path my-app --revision master --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace my-app-helm
argocd app sync helm-app

Compare ArgoCD versus Flux

I am putting this here for now, should be some where else so I can easily find and update

  • Capability to automatically deploy/sync application when docker image is changed

ArogCD: Doesn't by default. You'll need another step in the CI to modify the deployment files/helm values with the new image tag, so it will detect the change to Git and change deployment.

Flex: Monitors the Docker Image can have write access to Git repo and automatically change the deployment to the new image and push new deployment.

  • Handle multiple Git Repos:

ArgoCD: Can support multiple Git Repos and multiple clusters, but does not have a robust RBAC for multi-tenancy, it makes it difficult to build a GitOps for the cluster resources and one for each team on to manage their namespace(s) and application deployment.

Flex: Each instance of Flex handles a Git repo, can support multi-tenancy with multiple instances. It can be tiered with one at cluster level and deploying other Flex instances for application teams. It lacks single pane of glass visibility to see all applications and deployment across cluster(s).

  • Support for Federation

ArgoCD: Can support multi-cluster configuration and they have documented a pattern for Federation called App of Apps. In which a parent cluster can spawn application on child clusters.

Flux: It does not support multi-cluster, but you could pair it with projects like Kube-Fed, Admirality or Crossplane to solve these use cases.

ArgoCD CI/CD GitOps Patterns

This is Flux Issue has a good review of what type of GitOps patterns people are using or enhancements they would like to see in GitOps tool like ArgoCD or Flux.

This is a good summary of the above... Branch-per-environment 👍 simpler filesystem structure: a single set of resources

👍 a cluster is modified by modifying its branch

👍 divergent branches (=> clusters/environments) can be detected via git diff and so potentially automatically brought back into sync

👎 PR process is complicated by having to choose the correct branch as the comparison base/merge target

👎 some changes will need to be merged to all branches

👎 divergent branches will cause merge conflicts

👎 Flux cannot be configured to watch multiple branches for a single cluster, ArgoCD can do this.

The first two of the 👎s can be addressed with automation (GitHub actions, command-line app, etc.). Divergent branches can't be resolved with automation, but might be prevented entirely by automation. The last 👎 can be resolved with a flux instance per environment


👍 simpler branching structure: a single branch means no risk of merge conflicts

👍 a cluster is modified by modifying its directory

👍 PR process is simple: branch off master, merge back to master

👍 multi-cluster updates are simpler: side-by-side comparison of cluster state in the repo, copy-paste changes between files

👍 Flux and ArgoCD can be configured to watch multiple paths for a single cluster

👎 divergent environments may be harder to detect

👎 mental load of having everything in the same place is not insignificant

The first of the 👎s can be addressed with automation (PR checks, GitHub Actions, commit hooks, etc.)

The other other aspect is whether to based the design on ArgoCD or Flux. This GitOpsEngine Design and associated Bottom-Up Design and Top-Down Design give overview of the two solutions. I captured what I feel are the strenghts/weaknesses below:

ArgoCD: 👍 view of all applications and health in single dashboard

👍 multi-cluster view of all applications

👎 require Auth/Groups and RBAC

👎 require more attention to security. admin user credentials should be not be used on the system and RBAC groups used for access instead.


👍 easy to setup and scale

👍 can give full control of namespace including Flux component to application developers

👍 ability to monitor docker images and write updates to git repo, in practice I think to update the repo has a more complex workflow and updating the docker registry and git repo can all be part of that workflow

👎 no global dashboard or view of all applications and health ( can be built using APIs)

👎 not multi-cluster ( can be built using Federation )

Comparison of ArgoCD single versus multi-cluster

1 argocd for N clusters:

pro: single dashboard pro: single place to configure webhooks and your SSO / RBAC integration pro: a single place for your CI/CD system to communicate with to watch app rollouts and health con: all apps need unique names (so… all your CRDs need target-cluster specific prefixes/suffixes) con: blast-radius con: setting up 1 argo cd that has permission to effect change in all your clusters could make your security staff sad. (bribe them with baked goods). con: you’ve got to do some (kinda) convoluted bootstrapping of the target clusters. 1. create cluster. 2. ensure master cluster can talk to k8s API of new cluster 3. setup the cluster secret in master, and roles in destination 4. create a bootstrapping app to create namespaces in the target cluster 5. create all the apps that actually deploy from the master to the target

1 argocd per cluster

pro: all changes are ‘pull’ — it’s reaching out to git to decide what to do, no external argocd has to be given access to your cluster pro: much easier naming of your apps pro: blast radius pro: bootstrapping a new cluster is easier. 1. create cluster 2. install argo manifests to new cluster 3. apply all the app CRDs that deploy to local cluster. con: multiple dashboards / sso / webhooks (maybe that’s mitigated if they all feed into one monitoring system? depends on who’s using the dashboard and for what purpose) con: if your CI/CD system talks to the argocd API to wait for rollouts, your CICD pipeline needs to know about all the argocd instances. (and auth credentials for each) how you weigh those pros/cons are going to depend on you and your team, and what you find painful/complex. it’d probably also depend on how often you add new clusters or replace clusters; and how you manage all the stuff ‘around’ your platform that glues things together.

Argo Rollout

This is the soltuion that is similar to Flagger and unlike Flagger that works with existing Deployment and new CRD to wrap it, Rollout requires application developers to make changes to their Deployment to a new CRD to take advantage of Rollout.

This is a good overview from the Intuit Team, it is quiet old and this is a better overview of the Rollout. The Argo Rollout concepts are here.

In general there is weak integration across the Argo projects, here is a description of how ArgoCD and Argo Rollout integrate.

Now for PoC with Argo Rollout....

Install Argo Rollout. I will focus on Argo Rollout with Linkerd, so look at Argo Rollout Traffic Management. For linkerd we look at Traffic Split Interface.

The reference diagram for SMI is similar to what we have for Flagger/Linkerd: Argo Rollout Linkerd Traffic Split

Add Argo Rollout plugin on MacOS for following PoC:

brew install argoproj/tap/kubectl-argo-rollouts
kubectl argo rollouts version

I did a Flux and Linkerd PoC, I follow a similar PoC with Argo Rollout and compare the two solutions.


cd examples/argorollout
make rollout
make test

To check status:

make status

To change image:

make update-yellow
make status
make watch

Argo Events

Argo Events, is an event-driven workflow automation framework for Kubernetes which helps you trigger K8s objects, Argo Workflows, Serverless workloads, etc. on events from variety of sources like webhook, s3, schedules, messaging queues, gcp pubsub, sns, sqs, etc.

It will be interesting to contrast it to a package like Atlas PubSub or a platform like Dapr.

Here is the highlevel architcture diagram and components:


I was trying to think how this would work as a general purpose notification engine. It would be good to see how we can use AWS SNS to handle AWS SMS and SES use cases, and other gateways like PagerDuty, you can get a more complete list of gateways that might be required from Grafana open source.

The following references would be relevant if you were building gateways using AWS native services:

The platform is intersting Nofification service, I am concerned about the impact it will have on kubernetes API server and etcd under heavy load, you could write you own API server to minimize the load.

It is also does not have fine-grained AuthN/AuthZ or multi-tenancy in case you wanted to use it for customer use cases. If it was performant you could add these features to the notification engine, but a lot of the logic (e.g. triggers, circuit, switch, filter or policy) need to be aware of the multi-tenancy so it might be difficult to add it a layer on top.


SMI Support pre-Alpha

To get SMI PoC to work, I had to get the manifests from PR and run latest (actually master for now), not stable build.

SMI Promote fails

When I promote the rollout that is paused on startup it goes degraded.

kubectl -n test describe rollout rollouts-demo
    Last Transition Time:  2020-07-08T04:10:43Z
    Last Update Time:      2020-07-08T04:10:43Z
    Message:               Rollout does not have minimum availability
    Reason:                AvailableReason
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Available
    Last Transition Time:  2020-07-08T04:20:44Z
    Last Update Time:      2020-07-08T04:20:44Z
    Message:               ReplicaSet "rollouts-demo-5b778cc597" has timed out progressing.
    Reason:                ProgressDeadlineExceeded
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Progressing

Problem seems to be that the Linkerd sidecar takes a 503 error, I converted this to a Deployment without SMI and it worked

kubectl -n test describe pod
  Type     Reason     Age                    From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                   ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  55m                    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned test/rollouts-demo-868f9df8cd-5ctlz to minikube
  Normal   Pulled     55m                    kubelet, minikube  Container image “” already present on machine
  Normal   Started    55m                    kubelet, minikube  Started container linkerd-proxy
  Warning  Unhealthy  4m59s (x301 over 54m)  kubelet, minikube  Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503

Started a thread with Linkerd to figure out why the Linkerd proxy fails


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