The Openvas packaging project is an Atomicorp designed project to install and configure the Openvas vulnerability scanner Version 20.08 on a Redhat, Centos or Fedora system.
Visit our website for the latest information.
- Redhat 8
- Centos 8
- Fedora 32
- Docker
- Install the Atomic Yum Repository
wget -q -O - | sudo sh
- Install the GVM/openvas package
# Redhat/Centos 8 Only
yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
yum install epel-release
yum install gvm
- Configure openvas
The Atomicorp Openvas Docker Project is available from docker hub:
docker pull atomicorp/openvas
Need help? Want to collaborate? Request an invite: [email protected]
Michael Meyer @Greenbone
Jan-Oliver Wagner @Greenbone
Everyone at Greenbone that made this project possible
Fredrik Hilmersson
Cody Woods @Atomicorp