- MySql
- Maven
MySql setup
- Need to have the MySql Server running
- Need to create a database called 'checkout'
- Need to add a user 'cashier' with password 'basket'
CREATE USER 'cashier'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'basket';
- The 'cashier' user needs permissions to the 'checkout' database
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON checkout . * TO 'cashier'@'localhost';
You should be able to run the unit tests:
mvn clean test
And the integration tests:
mvn clean verify -Pintegration-tests
To run the server (listening on Port 9988):
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="checkout.CheckoutServer"
Current REST operations supported are:
Registering a team (replace "my_team_name" with your chosen name)
PUT /Checkout/Team
- JSON Payload :
- Response 201 - success (with actual name registered returned in JSON - it may have been trimmed)
- Response 400 - failure (response shows what was wrong with submission)
Getting requirements for current round
GET /Checkout/Requirements/my_team_name
- Response 200 - success (returns requirements in JSON as plain text)
- Response 400 - failure (response shows what was wrong with request)
Getting a batch of baskets for pricing
GET /Checkout/Batch/my_team_name
- Response 200 - success (returns batch in JSON)
- the batch is made up of Baskets each of which has a unique ID and zero or more items
- Response 400 - failure (response shows what was wrong with request)
Getting the current price list
GET /Checkout/PriceList/my_team_name
- Response 200 - success (returns price list in JSON)
- Response 400 - failure (response shows what was wrong with request)
Submitting prices for the current batch
PUT /Checkout/Batch/my_team_name
- JSON Payload :
- totals for all baskets have to be submitted at the same time
- Response 201 - all baskets totalled correctly (team now moves on to next round)
- Response 400 - failure (response shows what was wrong with submission)
Getting score for a team
GET /Checkout/Score/my_team_name
- Response 200 - success (score in JSON payload)
- Response 400 - failure (response shows what was wrong with request)