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02 – Verbs

Kira edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 10 revisions

Adding a verb to a sentence

First, create the verb:

VPPhraseSpec verb = nlgFactory.createVerbPhrase("jagen");

Then, add the verb as main verb to the sentence:


The following modifications can be applied to change the form of a verb:


See the chapter Setting the tense of this Wiki on how to change the tense of your verb/sentence.


To realise a sentence with Stative Passive (Zustandspassiv), e.g. "Das Fahrrad ist abgeschlossen.", set verb.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true);. To realise a sentence with Agentive Passive (Vorgangspassiv, e.g. "Das Fahrrad wird abgeschlossen.", set additionally verb.setFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE, true);.

You can either apply setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true); to the whole sentence or to the VerbPhrase only, which will result in different word order:

Passive is available in present and preterite tense.

Reflexive verbs

If you want a verb to be reflexive, add the reflexive pronoun before the verb in the VerbPhrase: VPPhraseSpec verb = nlgFactory.createVerbPhrase("sich entwickeln");

Modal verbs

Add second verb as postModifier, e.g. "sollen" as verb, "kommen" as postModifier. Modal verbs are currently only available in present tense.

Separable verbs

A verb can be both separable and not separable for the same sentence, depending on the desired sense. Thus, the verb "überziehen" ("to cover") can be used as a separable ("Der Sturm zog über die Stadt.", "The storm passed over the city.") or as a non-separable verb ("Der Sturm überzog die Stadt.", "The storm covered the city."). The user has to state which verb form is required. The non-separable version can be forced by setting setFeature(Feature.SEPARABLE_VERB, false);

Verbs in infinitive

If you want to use verbs in infinitive with "zu" ("to") before, e.g. in "Er versucht es zu schaffen" ("He tries to manage it"), indicate this as follows:

VPPhraseSpec verb = nlgFactory.createVerbPhrase("schaffen");