Boilerplate for your projects made with Gulp, Sass, Lost and Browserify.
- No styling at all, this is a completely bare boilerplate containing only the essential things you need
- A solid Sass and Javascript structure and starting point
- CSS helper classes
- Commonly used CSS components such as the Media Object and the Flag Object
- A Gulpfile with all your basic needs (Sass/Browserify, local server, minification)
- Component based file and folder structure to help create maintainable CSS
- A Sass library of commonly used mixins
- Included libraries:
- Browserify to handle Javascript dependencies
- Normalize.css to make browser rendering more consistent
- jQuery
- Modernizr
- Lost grid system
- .editorconfig to help maintain consistent coding styles
- Print CSS from HTML5 Boilerplate
- Download the latest release
- Clone the repo:
git clone
Step 1. Install NodeJS
Step 2. Install Gulp
npm install --global gulp
Step 3. Install the npm dependencies
cd path/to/project
npm install
Step 4. Run Gulp's default task
There are two Gulp tasks; gulp
and gulp --production
is the default task which will concatenate all Javascript files in to dist/js/script.js
. The task will also concatenate the Sass files into dist/css/style.css
, as well as running autoprefixer on the outputted CSS. It will also start a local server, as well as watching all the Sass/JS files and autoreload the browser upon change.
gulp --production
is the production task and will do everything the default task does, as well as compressing the JS and CSS files.
The code is available under the MIT license.