Create pixel art inside your terminal using vim movements
Get go, then:
go get
~/go/bin/vixl44 [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]
the name of your file
-c, --cols
number of columns, default is 20, 0 means full width, ignored if name of existing file given
-r, --rows
number of rows, default is 20, 0 means full height, ignored if name of existing file given
Keys | Action |
h,j,k,l | Move cursor left, down, up, right |
w | Move cursor 5 columns right |
b | Move cursor 5 columns left |
Ctrl-d | Move cursor 5 rows down |
Ctrl-u | Move cursor 5 rows up |
Keys | Action |
Space, Return | Paint color |
s | Select color under the cursor |
f | Replace color in area (Flood fill) |
u | Undo change |
Ctrl-r | Redo change |
p | Paste from buffer |
c | Switch to palette mode |
Ctrl-v | Switch to visual block mode |
Keys | Action |
Space, Return | Paint color |
x, d | Cut area |
y | Copy area |
Esc | Switch to normal mode |
c | Switch to palette mode |
Keys | Action |
Space, Return | Select color |
Esc | Switch to normal mode |
Ctrl-v | Switch to visual block mode |
:wq FILENAME<CR> - Write to FILENAME and quit
:exp FILENAME.svg<CR> - Export to FILENAME in svg format
:exp FILENAMExN.png<CR> - Export to FILENAME in png format with an optional scale factor N
:exp FILENAME.ansi<CR> - Export ANSI escape sequences to FILENAME (use i.e. cat FILENAME to view it)
:q<CR> - Quit
This project is free software: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.