Teams often have struggle to manually setup and configure local development environments and integrate them to their cloud infrastructure. The Seashell CLI provides them with a tool to:
- Setup software development tools in isolated local environments
- Configure, integrate and sync local/remote development environments with their cloud infrastructure deployed via Seashell
Runtime dependencies:
- Hashicorp Vagrant 2.2.10+
- Oracle Virtualbox 6.1.14+
Build dependencies:
- GNU Make 4.3+
- Golang 1.15.2+
To build and install the CLI, simply clone the repository and run the build a installation commands:
~$ git clone ./seashell-cli && \
cd seashell-cli && make && make install
- To verify an installation, run:
~$ seashell --version
- Isolated and shareable development environments based on Vagrant + Virtualbox
- Fully customizable and extensible virtual machines as base environments
- Compatible with Linux, Windows & Mac OS
- Infrastructure configuration synchronization between the local/remote environments and the cloud
- Easy installation
- Standard environment based on projects, independent from developer setup
- Synchronization with the Seashell Cloud Platform for security and convenience
- Configurable and extensible to adapt to existing workflows, e.g. not enforce CI tools, GIT provider or any specific automation tool, other than those required by the Seashell Cloud.
- Implement basic CLI structure in golang
- Implement dev command structure and subcommands (init, update, list and destroy)
- Implement dev command vagrant interfaces
- Implement authentication with the Seashell Cloud platform
- Implement interactions with the Seashell Cloud platform (fetch information, perform actions)
- Configure CI/CD with github actions and submit an official release to github
- Make the seashell CLI compatible with Windows