We present GillesPy2, a software library intended to solve the needs of many scientists; from the result seeking wet-lab biologist to the performance seeking bioinformatician. GillesPy2 is a next-generation of the original GillesPy library, an open source cross-platform Python library used for creating statistically correct trajectories for biochemical ordinary differential equations. GillesPy2 has been designed with a focus on providing both ease of use and clarity to the end user, using a unique modular solver system that allows the end user to specify the algorithm to solve their system of inquiry. This granularity is coupled with high-level functionality allowing the researcher to communicate and export their findings seamlessly.
Please install gillespy2 through the following methods.
pip install gillespy2
(Pip should work, need to test on Mac machine)
###Windows (Pip should work, need to test on Windows machine.)
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md] for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. (These will be determined later.)
(Needs to be decided upon.)
- Dr. Brian Drawert
- Dr. Kevin Sanft
- Ghilman Brock
- Eliot Dixon
- Dalton Nickerson
- Sean Matthew
- W.R. Jackson
(Talk to PI about licensing.)