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Releases: sdss/lvmecp

lvmecp 1.3.0

30 Jan 21:56
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🚀 New

  • Set the MC602 (network_failure) coil to 1 if the internet or LCO networks are down.

🏷️ Changed

  • Renamed override to bypass in the engineering mode keywords and commands to match the labelling in the PLC.
  • Output whether the engineering bypass is local or remote.
  • Changed the default engineering mode duration to 12 hours.

lvmecp 1.2.2

24 Jan 19:13
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✨ Improved

  • Output the dome status keywords after a dome movement command.

lvmecp 1.2.1

09 Jan 14:22
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✨ Improved

  • Clear the anti-flap lock in lvmecp dome reset.
  • Check if the drive is in error state before moving the dome.
  • Renamed registers dome_status[1|2] to drive_status[1|2].

🔧 Fixed

  • Wait for status to be output in lvmecp dome status before finishing the command.

⚙️ Engineering

  • Use pytest-timeout.

lvmecp 1.2.0

07 Jan 23:37
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🚀 New

  • #33 Add a mode to close the dome using only drive overcurrent to determine when the movement has completed.
  • #34 Implement emergency stop command, resetting e-stops, and prevent dome from opening if safety flags are active.

✨ Improved

  • Added PLC engineering mode status bits to the configuration file.
  • If the dome is moving when commanded to open/close, the movement will be stopped before actually open or close.
  • Daytime check for dome opening will be ignored if the PLC hardware or software overrides are active.
  • Improved the logging of Modbus messages.

🔧 Fixed

  • Fixed setting and resetting of the start time for the engineering mode.

lvmecp 1.1.0

01 Jan 16:31
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✨ Improved

  • #32 Major refactor of the Modbus and ModbusRegister classes. The main change is that the performance has been greatly improved, with Modbus.get_all() going from taking ~0.6 seconds to under 0.1. The register and coil blocks are now read completely, in chunks as large as the device will accept, as opposed to before, when we would read each variable with one read command (although the connection was not closed in between). Note that several methods and variables have been renamed; see the PR for details.

lvmecp 1.0.2

27 Dec 18:22
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✨ Improved

  • Report last time the heartbeat was set in the PLC in the status command.
  • Report timeout of the engineering mode.
  • Report ``last_heartbeat_set` as an ISO string.

lvmecp 1.0.1

26 Dec 18:54
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⚙️ Engineering

  • Bump CLU to 2.4.3.

🔧 Fixed

  • Do not command the dome to close during daytime if it is already closed.

lvmecp 1.0.0

25 Dec 18:24
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🚀 New

  • #29 Add a new engineering mode that can be used to bypass the heartbeat and to allow the dome to open during daytime. Part of RORR RID-025.
  • #30 Prevent the dome from opening during daytime. Close if daytime is detected. Part of RORR RID-025.
  • #31 Prevent the dome from opening multiple times in a short period of time. RORR RID-019.

✨ Improved

  • Add reporting of roll-off error state and allow resetting on error.
  • Prevent the PLC modules from running before the actor is ready.

🏷️ Changed

  • #28 Removed the automatic setting of the heartbeat variable. Added a heartbeat command that will be triggered by a heartbeat middleware.

🔧 Fixed

  • Restore GS3 status registers and fix addresses for roll-off lockout and error.

⚙️ Engineering

  • Updated workflows.

lvmecp 0.8.4

03 Nov 18:22
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✨ Improved

  • Add a lock for the status command to prevent multiple concurrent requests.

⚙️ Engineering

  • Use uv for packaging.

lvmecp 0.8.3

07 Sep 21:53
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🔧 Fixed

  • Fixed a bug that would make a module notification fail in some cases if its maskbit value was zero.