This was a hacking/wargame contest I had organised in my college. 13 levels of quite basic challenges.
The actual contest had 4 servers running. Because of the interdependencies and a specific initialization sequence, I've dockerized the setup.
- Make sure docker is installed and the service is running.
- To download and use the pre-built docker images, execute
$cd ~ && wget && bash ./
- If you want to build your own docker images, clone the repo and build all 4 images.
$git clone ~
$cd ~/hackbase/common && sudo docker build -t sdht/hackbase:common .
$cd ~/hackbase/server_1 && sudo docker build -t sdht/hackbase:server_1 .
$cd ~/hackbase/server_2 && sudo docker build -t sdht/hackbase:server_2 .
$cd ~/hackbase/server_3 && sudo docker build -t sdht/hackbase:server_3 .
$cd ~/hackbase/hackbase && sudo docker build -t sdht/hackbase .
$cd ~/hackbase && bash ./
- 4 servers will be started one by one. Press CTRL+P+Q to detach each in turn and proceed.
- Link to starting web page will be generated at the end of servers initialization.
- Open the webpage and register with a username and password. Login and play!
General advice:
- Try not to use the setup information, eg number of servers. Don't peek into the solutions. It will be more satisfying when you solve it on your own.
- All levels have the appropriate hints. Look in all places. Read the rules carefully on the webapp.
Domain knowledge used: PHP, MySQL, port scanning, HTML and web apps, ciphers, etc
Have fun!
Don't judge this too harshly. I completed it within a self imposed time constraint and motivation which comes from last minute panic. At the same time, I feel it ended up being quite good :)
For any improvements or comments, lets discuss in Issues.
All code is licensed under GNU GPLv3.
All creative content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.