LeanKit is a simple ruby wrapper around the LeanKit API
# configure your account information
LeanKit::Config.email = "[email protected]"
LeanKit::Config.password = "mypassword"
LeanKit::Config.account = "myaccount"
# get all boards and returns an array of hashes
@boards = LeanKit::Board.all
# get the board with specified id as a hash
@board = LeanKit::Board.find(board_id)
# get all the identifiers for a board, it contains all information needed for other api calls
@identifiers = LeanKit::Board.get_identifiers(board_id)
# get the newest version of the board if it exists
@board_version = LeanKit::Board.get_newer_if_exists(board_id, version_id)
# gets the last 5 events that occured since version_id
@last_events = LeanKit::Board.get_board_history_since(board_id, version_id)
# get a specific card from a board
@card = LeanKit::Card.find(board_id, card_id)
# get a specific card from a board by external id
@card = LeanKit::Card.find_by_external_id(board_id, external_id)
# add a card, specified in JSON, to the board
@response = LeanKit::Card.add(board_id, lane_id, position, body)
# add multiple cards, specified in JSON, to the board
@response = LeanKit::Card.add_multiple(board_id, comment, cards)
# update a card specified in JSON
@response = LeanKit::Card.update(board_id, body)
# delete a card from the board
@response = LeanKit::Card.delete(board_id, card_id)
# delete multiple cards from the board
@response = LeanKit::Card.delete_multiple(board_id, card_ids)
# move a card to another lane
@response = LeanKit::Card.move(board_id, card_id, lane_id, position)
# get board backlog
@backlog = LeanKit::Backlog.fetch(board_id)
# get board archive
@archive = LeanKit::Archive.fetch(board_id)
Fork this repo and send me pull requests.
All specs are in the /spec directory, to run them:
- LeanKit API doc: https://support.leankit.com/forums/20153741-api
Copyright (c) 2011 Marc Lainez