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Setting up a dev environment in the labs

  1. Generate a GitHub SSH key and upload it to your GitHub
  2. Make a local copy of the git repo
    cd ~/Documents
    git clone --recurse-submodules -c core.sshCommand='ssh -i ~/.ssh/github' [email protected]:scottdmilner/dungeon-pipeline.git
    cd dungeon-pipeline
  3. Configure the git repo to use the new SSH key and our git hooks
    git config --add --local core.sshCommand 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/github'
    git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/
  4. Check out a dev branch for the feature you are working on (or create a general dev branch (yourname-dev))
    git checkout -B feature-name-yourname 
    # don't need -B if it already exists
    git push --set-upstream origin feature-name-yourname

Code Style

For this project, we are using the Black style of Python formatting. There is a Git pre-commit hook that will automatically run the ruff formatter on your code whenever you make a commit. If it changes any of your formatting it will print a message that looks like this:

Formatting with ruff...
3 files reformatted, 12 files left unchanged

After that, you can amend your commit to include the changes that ruff made with

git add <changed files here>
git commit --amend

This should generally be avoided, but if you need to override the Black style for some reason, use the following comments to suppress ruff:

# fmt: off
unformatted code here
# fmt: on