This repository implements a minimal library for creating and using SciTokens from C or C++.
SciTokens provide a token format for distributed authorization. The tokens are self-describing, can be verified in a distributed fashion (no need to contact the issuer to determine if the token is valid). This is convenient for a federated environment where several otherwise-independent storage endpoints want to delegate trust for an issuer for managing a storage allocation.
To build the scitokens-cpp
library, the following dependencies are needed:
- [jwt-cpp] v0.5.0 or later ( A header-only C++ library for manipulating JWTs.
- OpenSSL 1.0 or later.
CMake is used for the build system. To build, from the source directory:
mkdir build
cd build
JWT_CPP_DIR=~/path/to/jwt-cpp cmake ..
The easiest way to test scitokens-cpp
is to head to the SciTokens Demo app
and copy the generated token. Then, from the build directory:
./scitokens-verify eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImtleS1yczI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2RlbW8uc2NpdG9rZW5zLm9yZyIsImV4cCI6MTU0NjQ1NjMwOSwiaWF0IjoxNTQ2NDU1NzA5LCJuYmYiOjE1NDY0NTU3MDksImp0aSI6ImRlYmNkZDRjLTU1MzgtNDkxNS1hY2U2LTgyNTg3NGQwZjEzNyJ9.Vu9TRfDi5WJujeAGl-wP-atvNqh31-gteKqqu_IEcxoCfGYdmoIM3xOOY1GmHcmXfclkrl724ldxBBChsDpcdi_8914N9EGwGVApJLQU0SaPPdtcoCrqvVJE3bD9fs6UKooGwuk_e20ml9g0R4100fTdsD7pkIOABYGTbhxioEb1dP1o-17l2t2kUXpd8KhIyZZjmtmnMdmO5bxaY_V60OOWekwelT8ACK8ao39Ocf_wmUiS0VVX21hD1KqO0bgBU9AsVJ5prAL9ytElr_UB2X5KowPODbj6LPFNhpCwXcoG4w4Gw9VueuxCuIPhlcHBhP83i5LPgtk2YOjygdSahA
Replace the given token above with the fresh one you just generated; using the above token should give an expired token error.
SciTokens-cpp includes a submodule, jwt-cpp. Therefore, to create a release, you have to include the submodule into the release.
VER=0.3.3 # for example
git archive --prefix "scitokens-cpp-$VER/" -o "scitokens-cpp-$VER.tar" v$VER
git submodule update --init
git submodule foreach --recursive "git archive --prefix=scitokens-cpp-$VER/\$path/ --output=\$sha1.tar HEAD && tar --concatenate --file=$(pwd)/scitokens-cpp-$VER.tar \$sha1.tar && rm \$sha1.tar"
gzip "scitokens-cpp-$VER.tar"
Before tagging a new release, make sure that the RPM spec file has an updated
version number and an associated changelog entry.
Also, make sure that the debian/changelog
has an entry that matches the
RPM changelog entry.
This package is built on the
cvmfs-config OpenSUSE Build Service.
In order to support that run debian/
whenever the version
or release number is changed in rpm/scitokens-cpp.spec
, and commit the
generated debian/scitokens-cpp.dsc
before tagging the release.