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Environmental variables

Luka Murn edited this page Oct 2, 2019 · 18 revisions

SciNote reads configuration parameters from system environment parameters. On production servers, this can simply be system environmental variables, while for development, a file config/application.yml can be created to specify those variables.

Below is an example application.yml file, which should get the server running; for full reference, check the dedicated section below to see all available variables.

# Secrets
SECRET_KEY_BASE: "<<secret_key_base>>"
PAPERCLIP_HASH_SECRET: "<<paperclip_hash_secret>>"

# File storage

# For local file storage

# For S3 file storage
#S3_BUCKET: ""

# Mailer settings
MAIL_FROM: "Example SciNote Assistant <[email protected]>"
MAIL_REPLYTO: "Example SciNote Assistant <[email protected]>"
SMTP_USERNAME: "[email protected]"
SMTP_PASSWORD: "<<smtp_password>>"

# Sign-up process

The following section describes all available environmental variables for SciNote server.


Variable Mandatory Description
SECRET_KEY_BASE Yes Random hash for Rails encryption. Can be generated by running rails secret.
PAPERCLIP_HASH_SECRET Yes Random key for generating Paperclip hash key for URLs. Can be generated by running rails secret.
DATABASE_URL No* Production database connection string. Mandatory in production environment.
DATABASE_DEV_URL No Development database connection string. Contains username, password, host and database. If not present default from database.yml will be used.
DATABASE_TEST_URL No Test database connection string. Contains username, password, host and database. If not present default from database.yml will be used.

File storage

Variable Mandatory Description
PAPERCLIP_STORAGE Yes Set to 's3' to store files on Amazon S3, or 'filesystem' to store files on local server. If storing on S3, additional parameters need to be specified.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY No* If storing files on Amazon S3, this must contain access key for accessing AWS S3 API.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID No* If storing files on Amazon S3, this must contain access key ID for AWS S3.
S3_BUCKET No* If storing files on Amazon S3, this must contain S3 bucket on which files are stored.
S3_HOST_NAME No* If storing files on Amazon S3, this must contain the S3 service host name.
AWS_REGION No* If storing files on Amazon S3, this must contain the AWS region.


Variable Mandatory Description
MAIL_FROM Yes The from address for emails sent from SciNote.
MAIL_REPLYTO Yes The reply to address for emails sent from SciNote.
SMTP_ADDRESS Yes The server address of the SMTP mailer used for delivering emails generated in SciNote.
SMTP_PORT Yes The port of the SMTP server. Defaults to 587.
SMTP_DOMAIN Yes The server domain of the SMTP mailer used for delivering emails generated in SciNote.
SMTP_USERNAME Yes The username for SMTP mailer used for delivering emails generated in SciNote.
SMTP_PASSWORD Yes The password for SMTP mailer used for delivering emails generated in SciNote.
SMTP_AUTH_METHOD no SMTP auth method to use, 'plain' is default value. MS Exchange might need 'login' auth method.
MAIL_SERVER_URL Yes The root URL address of the actual SciNote server. This is used in sent emails to redirect user to the correct SciNote server URL. Defaults to localhost.

Specific SMTP settings


If Office365 is used as an SMTP provider (one of specific packages needs to be used, not all Office365 accounts support this feature), the following configuration need to be used for SMTP settings:


# If using environmental file (e.g. production.env file for production environment),
# MAIL_FROM and MAIL_REPLYTO must be specified without quotation marks,
# e.g. : [email protected]

MAIL_FROM: "<<[email protected]>>"
MAIL_REPLYTO: "<<[email protected]>>"

SMTP_PORT: "587"
SMTP_USERNAME: "<<[email protected]>>"
SMTP_PASSWORD: "<<your_microsoft_password>>"

Sign-up process

Variable Mandatory Description
ENABLE_USER_REGISTRATION No Whether to publicly enable users to register/sign-up (otherwise, existing members need to invite them). Defaults to true.
NEW_TEAM_ON_SIGNUP No Enables the creation of new team for any new user on sign up. If set false no team will be created on sign up. Defaults to true.
ENABLE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATIONS No Whether to require users to confirm the following actions: signing-up, signing-up after being invited, and changing their e-mail. Defaults to true on development and production environments, and to false on test environment.
Initial admin user
ADMIN_NAME No If using seeding (rails db:seed), the initial admin user's username. Defaults to 'Admin'.
ADMIN_EMAIL No If using seeding (rails db:seed), the initial admin user's email. Defaults to '[email protected]'.
ADMIN_PASSWORD No If using seeding (rails db:seed), the initial admin user's password. Defaults to 'inHisHouseAtRlyehDeadCthulhuWaitsDreaming'.
ENABLE_RECAPTCHA No Whether to enable Google reCaptcha on sign-up and confirm invitation pages. Defaults to false.
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY No* If using reCaptcha, this is the site key (see reCaptcha docs).
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY No* If using reCaptcha, this is the secret key (see reCaptcha docs).
LinkedIn sign-in
LINKEDIN_SIGNIN_ENABLED No Set to true if integrating with LinkedIn for OAuth sign in/sign up. Defaults to 'false'.
LINKEDIN_KEY No If integrating with LinkedIn for Oauth sign in/sign up, the shared key.
LINKEDIN_SECRET No If integrating with LinkedIn for Oauth sign in/sign up, the shared secret.

Office Online integration

Variable Mandatory Description
WOPI_ENABLED No Whether to enable Office Online integration. Defaults to false.
WOPI_TEST_ENABLED No* If using WOPI, whether to enable testing of WOPI integration by opening .wopitest files. Defaults to false.
WOPI_DISCOVERY_URL No* If using WOPI, this is the discovery URL provided by Microsoft.
WOPI_ENDPOINT_URL No* If using WOPI, this is the endpoint URL on which the WOPI API will be available.
USER_SUBDOMAIN No* If using WOPI, the only subdomain that will be allowed to access all non-WOPI routes.
WOPI_SUBDOMAIN No* If using WOPI, the WOPI subdomain.
WOPI_USER_HOST No* If using WOPI, the user host URL/domain.
WOPI_BUSINESS_USERS No If using WOPI, whether the users are business users or not. Defaults to false.

Delayed worker

Variable Mandatory Description
DELAYED_WORKER_DESTROY_FAILED_JOBS No If you want to keep failed jobs, set DELAYED_WORKER_DESTROY_FAILED_JOBS to false. The failed jobs will be marked with non-null failed_at. Default to false
DELAYED_WORKER_SLEEP_DELAY No If no jobs are found, the worker sleeps for the amount of time specified by the sleep delay option. Default to 60 seconds.
DELAYED_WORKER_MAX_ATTEMPTS No The default is 6 attempts. After this, the job either deleted or left in the database with "failed_at" set depends on the DESTROY_FAILED_JOBS value
DELAYED_WORKER_MAX_RUN_TIME No The default DELAYED_WORKER_MAX_RUN_TIME is 30.minutes. If your job takes longer than that, another computer could pick it up. It's up to you to make sure your job doesn't exceed this time. You should set this for the longest time you think the job could take.
DELAYED_WORKER_READ_AHEAD No The defaults behavior is to read 10 jobs from the queue when finding an available job. You can configure this by setting.
DELAYED_WORKER_DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME No Set the default queue name


Variable Mandatory Description
CORE_API_V1_ENABLED No Whether to enable V1 API or not. Defaults to false.
CORE_API_RATE_LIMIT No How many requests per minute are allowed on API, before middleware throttles them. Defaults to 1000.
CORE_API_SIGN_ALG No Signatures algorithm for API token exchange. Defaults to HS256.
CORE_API_TOKEN_TTL No Time to live of API tokens. Defaults to 30.minutes.
CORE_API_TOKEN_ISS No Issuer for API token exchange. Defaults to 'SciNote'.


Variable Mandatory Description
REPOSITORIES_LIMIT No The maximum number of Inventories allowed per team. Defaults to 5.
EXPORT_ALL_LIMIT_24_HOURS No The maximum number of project exports allowed per user per day. Defaults to 3. 0 value means infinite exports per day, while e.g. -1 can be used to disable the feature.
TRUSTED_IP No If using better errors gem in development mode, this should be set to local IP (e.g. '').
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY No New Relic code metrics license key, in case you want to log code metrics with New Relic service.
NO_TIKA_SERVER No Prevents Apache Tika text extractor from running as a daemon
SYSTEM_NOTIFICATIONS_URI No The URI endpoint of the service to retrieve system notifications from.
SYSTEM_NOTIFICATIONS_CHANNEL No The channel from which to retrieve system notifications.