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Kafka Source Connector using Spotify as the data source.

Getting Started

  1. Clone and build the project

    > git clone
    > cd kafka-connect-spotify
    > ./gradlew clean shadowJar
  2. Start docker environment by running

    > docker-compose up -d
  3. Duplicate spotify-source.template.json and rename the new file spotify-source.json

    • git will ignore spotify-source.json so that you don't have to worry about committing Spotify credentials
  4. Update spotify-source.json with Spotify Credentials

  5. POST configuration to connect worker to start connector

    > curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @spotify-source.json localhost:8083/connectors
  6. Debugging is enabled by default. See the IntelliJ Remote Debugger Setup section for instructions on attaching to the remote process and the Debugging section for general debugging details.

    • If DEBUG_SUSPEND_FLAG is set to y in the docker-compose file, the connect service's startup will pause until a remote debugger is connected.

Viewing Connectors & Topics

  • Confluent Control Center (running at localhost:9021)
  • Kafka Topics UI (running at localhost:8000)

If you don't care about these, feel free to comment them out of the docker-compose file to save memory usage.

Connector Configuration

See spotify-source.json for full configuration set.

Spotify Config Values:

  • spotify.oauth.clientId: The client ID provided when setting up a Spotify Integration.
  • spotify.oauth.clientSecret: The client secret provided when setting up a Spotify Integration.
  • spotify.oauth.accessToken: Access token for calling the Spotify API.
  • spotify.kafka.topic: Name of the topic that your messages will be sent to.

Generating Spotify Credentials

There are two types of credentials that can be provided to the connector so that it can communicate with the Spotify API.

Access Token

This is a simple token that will expire after 30 minutes. This approach is best for a simple test.

Create Token

If using this approach, remove the client ID and secret configuration values

Client ID & Client Secret (App Integration)

These are credentials that can be used to create tokens on the fly. This approach is best for those who plan to start the Spotify connector and let it run indefinitely. 1. Go to Developer Dashboard 2. Login w/Spotify Account 3. Create an App 4. Copy out Client ID & Secret for spotify-source.json config file

If using this approach, remove the access token configuration value

Reading from a Topic

To see if messages are flying around, exec into the broker container and use the built in kafka-console-consumer CLI.

> docker exec -it ${broker-container-id} bash
> kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic spotify_play_history --from-beginning

# get number of messages written to topic
> kafka-consumer-offset-checker --topic spotify_play_history --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

You can also view the Kafka Topics UI on port 8000

Managing Connectors

The REST endpoints available via the connect service can help manage the setup, updating and teardown of connectors and their tasks. Replace spotify-play-history with the 'name' value from your config JSON file.

Configure Connector

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @spotify-source.json localhost:8083/connectors

Get Active Connectors

curl localhost:8083/connectors

Get Active Tasks for a Connector

curl localhost:8083/connectors/spotify-play-history/tasks | jq

Get Connector Status

curl localhost:8083/connectors/spotify-play-history/status | jq

Get Connector Configuration

curl localhost:8083/connectors/spotify-play-history | jq

Pause Connector

curl -X PUT localhost:8083/connectors/spotify-play-history/pause

Resume Connector

curl -X PUT localhost:8083/connectors/spotify-play-history/resume

Delete Connector

curl -X DELETE localhost:8083/connectors/spotify-play-history


The connect service's docker-compose setup has a few properties than enable remote debugging of the connector.

# this snippet only contains properties related to debugging
      # expose the default remote debug port
      - "5005:5005"
      # enable remote debugging
      KAFKA_DEBUG: y
      # suspend startup until debugger is attached (optional)

The DEBUG_SUSPEND_FLAG can be helpful if there are errors being thrown during startup that you want to step through. Without it the connector and its task(s) might get up and running before you have a chance to step into it.

IntelliJ Remote Debugger Setup

  1. Navigate to Run > Edit Configurations
  2. Select 'Add New Configuration (⌘N)'
  3. Name the Configuration, Set Host: localhost and Port: 5005
  4. Save Configuration and Start Debugger


To start executing KSQL on the CLI server, execute

docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql http://ksql-server:8088

To view all records in a topic, SET the auto offset reset to earliest and it will start from the beginning.

ksql> SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
print 'spotify_play_history';

Sink Connector Idea

If a song comes through more than x times, stuff it in a "favorites playlist"


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