Download Meet & Greet videos from Mwave easily via the command line.
Download AdobeHDS.php
from the link above and put it in the same directory as mwave-dl.php
or PHP's default include directory.
Usage: mwave-dl.php <url> [--resolution {360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p}] [adobehds_params]
KSV Adobe HDS Downloader
You can use script with following switches:
--help displays this help
--debug show debug output
--delete delete fragments after processing
--fproxy force proxy for downloading of fragments
--play dump stream to stdout for piping to media player
--rename rename fragments sequentially before processing
--update update the script to current git version
--auth [param] authentication string for fragment requests
--duration [param] stop recording after specified number of seconds
--filesize [param] split output file in chunks of specified size (MB)
--fragments [param] base filename for fragments
--fixwindow [param] timestamp gap between frames to consider as timeshift
--manifest [param] manifest file for downloading of fragments
--maxspeed [param] maximum bandwidth consumption (KB) for fragment downloading
--outdir [param] destination folder for output file
--outfile [param] filename to use for output file
--parallel [param] number of fragments to download simultaneously
--proxy [param] proxy for downloading of manifest
--quality [param] selected quality level (low|medium|high) or exact bitrate
--referrer [param] Referer to use for emulation of browser requests
--start [param] start from specified fragment
--useragent [param] User-Agent to use for emulation of browser requests
Find the available download options for this particular Meet & Great video:
$ php mwave-dl.php
Title: [MEET&GREET] Strawberry Milk
Views: 1082
Available quality options:
720p, bitrate: 2M
480p, bitrate: 1M
Download the 720p version and save it as meetgreet.flv
$ php mwave-dl.php --resolution 720p --outfile "meetgreet.flv"