is derived/forked from patchbay.pub. The name duct
was chosen because this utility and server is meant to serve as a duct (or pipe) between utilities, and also as a sort of duct tape.
enables IFTTT-type applications. The duct
server provides infinite HTTP endpoints that provide a multi-process, multi-consumer (MPMC) queue which can be used to implement powerful serverless applications - including desktop notificiations, sms notifications, job queues, web hosting, and file sharing. These applications are basically just a few lines of bash that wrap a curl
command. However, duct
also contains a simple IMAP/SMTP for email reading and writing that facilitates a free and easy way to do SMS notifications and webhooks.
The philosophy behind this is that the main logic happens on the local machine with small scripts. There is a server with an infinite number of virtual channels that will relay messages between the publisher and the subscriber. To subscribe to a channel you can simply make a GET
request with a specified channel:
curl https://duct.schollz.com/a61b1f42
The above will block until something is published to the channel a61b1f42
. You can easily publish to a channel using a POST
curl https://duct.schollz.com/a61b1f42 -d "hello, world"
The subscriber will immediately receive that data. If you reverse the order, then the post will block until it is received.
The default mode for publishing and subscribing is a MPMC queue, where the first to connect are able to publish/subscribe. But you can also specify publish-subscribe (pubsub) mode. In pubsub mode, the publisher will become non-blocking and their data will be transmitted to each connected subscriber. This is done using the parameter pubsub=true
curl https://duct.schollz.com/a61b1f42?pubsub=true -d "hello, world"
You can also publish with a GET
request by using the parameter body=X
, so that the publisher statement can be also written as:
curl https://duct.schollz.com/a61b1f42?pubsub=true&body=hello,%20world
This makes it easier to write href links that can trigger hooks.
Change the command on the sending computer to
curl -X POST --data-binary "@test.txt" https://duct.schollz.com/test.txt
The command on the other computer remains the same as what you had
wget https://duct.schollz.com/test.txt
cat file | gzip | openssl bf -pbkdf2 | curl -X POST --data-binary @- https://duct.schollz.com/00bf8a8f-ded4-48ea-9409-43796e5b9587
To receive:
curl --silent https://duct.schollz.com/00bf8a8f-ded4-48ea-9409-43796e5b9587 | openssl bf -pbkdf2 -d | gzip -d > file
while true; do curl -X POST https://duct.schollz.com/apps/simple_chat/chat.js --data-binary "@./apps/simple_chat/chat.js"; done
# IFS determines what to split on. By default it will split on spaces. Change
# it to newlines
# See https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/handling-filenames-with-spaces-in-bash.html
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
for filename in *.mp3
curl https://duct.schollz.com/6903f6bb-af5d-4ed9-98e7-3cdf1b5fa386 -d $filename
# Need to restore IFS to its previous value
And on four other computers;
while true
filename=$(curl -s https://duct.schollz.com/6903f6bb-af5d-4ed9-98e7-3cdf1b5fa386)
if [ "$filename" != "Too Many Requests" ]
echo $filename
ffmpeg -i "$filename" "$filename.ogg"
sleep 1
First setup the email component of duct
Then you can do a bash script like
CELLPHONE="[email protected]"
while [ 1 ]
X="$(curl $URL)"
if [[ $X =~ ^$MAGIC ]]; then
Y="$(echo "$X" | sed "s/$MAGIC*//")"
duct email --to "$CELLPHONE" --subject "notify" --body "$Y"
sleep 10
Run this PS script in the background. Follow these instructions to get this to work when you startup the computer.
$result = Invoke-WebRequest $url
If ($result.StatusDescription -eq "OK") {
if ($result.Content.StartsWith("$magicprefix") -eq $true) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$global:balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$path = (Get-Process -id $pid).Path
$balloon.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path)
$balloon.BalloonTipIcon = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolTipIcon]::Warning
$content = $result.Content.TrimStart("$magicprefix")
$balloon.BalloonTipText = "$content"
$balloon.BalloonTipTitle = "Attention $Env:USERNAME"
$balloon.Visible = $true
} else {
Start-Sleep -s 1
} else {
Start-Sleep -s 3
while [ 1 ]
X="$(curl $URL)"
if [[ $X =~ ^$MAGIC ]]; then
Y="$(echo "$X" | sed "s/$MAGIC*//")"
notify-send "$Y"
sleep 10
> duct email --check
{"to":"[email protected]","from":"[email protected]","date":"2019-11-27T11:44:29-08:00","subject":"my subject","body":"my body"}
You can easily use jq
or similar to process and add it to some sort of hook.
MIT (with Copyright (c) 2019 patchbay)