A simple small http interface which accepts E-Mails and sends them to whereevery you want!
Just use the config.sample.json and there you go!
example is provided in the example folder! :)
Copy the example folder to your app and fit the config to your needs
You have 2 possibilities to start the server
- Start your server with "node mailer.js"
- Fit the docker-compose.yml to your needs and start your server with "docker-compose up -d" In case you want to use docker, I recommend you to use "jwilder reverse proxy", so you can run your http mail client very easily on a domain like 'mailer.my-domain.com'.
Now pass the data to your http-mail-client
Example config.json
"smtp": {
"host": "mail.foo.de",
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "1234haha",
"port": 465
"allowed_sender": [{
"domain": "website-where-your-script-is-launched.com", // the script will only allow requests from this domain. For local development, just enter 'localhost'
"email": "[email protected]", // the script will only allow this email as valid sender.
"smtp": { // These are the credentials for your smtp server
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "awesomepassword",
"host": "smtp.my-server.com",
"port": 587
Example Http Request
let mail = {
from: '[email protected]',
to: '[email protected]',
replyTo: '[email protected],
subject: '✉️ Contact Request from Hermine Granger',
text: {
plain: message.plain,
html: message.html
// This is an example using Angular 2 HTTP POST Query. Works with any other http library too, ofc ;-).
// Just use the 'mail' object as your body.
this.http.post('https://mailer.schmid.digital', mail)
.subscribe(res => console.log('response', res))
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue on github!