Sign up on to use the mod
Note this is v0.3.* that is currently based off of 1.15.1 and is very much unstable as we build it.
For the old version v0.2.* that is based off of 1.12.1 check out
Make sure you have a 64bit java installation and at least 3 gb of free memory.
git clone
I recommend using IntelliJ as an IDE but the ultra quick and dirty start is to open up the terminal and type:
gradlew runClient
This will start minecraft and you are ready to go!
When you start a game you should be prompted to login with your ChaosNet login credentials
Assuming you are NOT connecting to a server that has already been setup once you log in you should be prompted to set the Training Room.
From there the simulation should kick off.
Try running the following:
This will attempt to repair your build.
AWS APIGateway Build Commands (I now have a script for this).
mvn clean package -Pstandalone-jar
cp target/ChaosNet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ~/IdeaProjects/chaoscraft/libs/ChaosNet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
World#getWorldTime() % 24000
###Stop Mobs from Spawning:
/gamerule doMobSpawning false
/kill @e[type=!player,name=!rick]
/kill @e[type=slime]
/kill @e[type=!player]
/time set day
/effect @p night_vision 9999 0 true
/tp @e[type=chaoscraft:rick] @p
/tp @e[name=adam] @p
shift click on a item in creative tab it grabs a max stack for you
to drop a stack
Networking Example 1.13 -