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Running ScalienDB the first time

mtrencseni edited this page Aug 23, 2011 · 1 revision

A ScalienDB cluster consists of controllers and shard servers.

ScalienDB takes one command argument: the configuration file. Note that all paths in the configuration file such as database.dir must either be absolute or relative to the working directory. So, if the ScalienDB executable is in /home/joe/scaliendb/bin, the configuration file is in /home/joe/scaliendb/0/scaliendb.conf and the configuration file specifies database.dir = 0, then you should probably launch ScalienDB from /home/joe/scaliendb using:

$ bin/scaliendb 0/scaliendb.conf

Starting the controllers

First, start the controller(s). When the controllers start, they elect a master controller, which is shown on the console. Note that for master election to be successful a majority of controller nodes have to be up and running. You should see something like this:

2011-05-09 11:13:26.450566: ScalienDB v0.9.9 started as CONTROLLER
2011-05-09 11:13:26.451811: Opening readonly: test/control/0/db/chunks/chunk.00000000000000000004
2011-05-09 11:13:26.452144: Replaying log segments...
2011-05-09 11:13:26.452242: Replaying log segment test/control/0/db/logs/log.00000000000000000013...
2011-05-09 11:13:26.452359: Replaying done.
2011-05-09 11:13:26.452368: Checking for orphaned chunks...
2011-05-09 11:13:26.452408: Checking done.
2011-05-09 11:13:26.452420: Existing environment opened.
2011-05-09 11:13:26.453759: Opening log segment 15
2011-05-09 11:13:26.453844: My nodeID is 0
2011-05-09 11:13:29.874038: Node 1 became the master

Starting the Web Management Console

Once the controllers are up and running, you can connect to the cluster using the web-based management console. The management console is a Javascript application, so you can run it from anywhere. It is located in the webadmin directory of your ScalienDB distribution, so if you downloaded ScalienDB to /home/joe/scaliendb, you should open:


in your browser. Supported browsers are Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Alternatively, the management console may also be accessed through the built-in ScalienDB HTTP server. This serves files according to the http.documentRoot and http.staticPrefix configuration settings. By default, if a ScalienDB instance is listening on port 8080 you should also be able to access the management console at:

After opening the management console, you first have to specify the HTTP endpoint of one of the controllers. You don't have to specify the master here, as any controller will redirect to the master. So, if you have controllers listening on HTTP,, then you can connect to either one.

If this the first time you are starting the cluster, no shard servers will have connected at this time, the list of shard servers on the Dashboard tab will be empty.

Starting the shard servers

Now you can start the shard servers. As shard servers start, the master controller will assign nodeIDs to them, starting at 100. The shard servers will show up on the list of shard servers on the Dashboard tab of the management console.

Creating quorums

Now that the controllers and shard servers are running, it's time to create quorums. Quorums are the basic unit of replication, and consist of one or more shard servers.

To create a quorum, click the Quorums tab of the management console and then click Create new quorum. Next, enter the node IDs of the shard servers you would like to have in this quorum, for example 100, 101, 102 creates a 3-way replicated quorum.

Creating a database and a table

Now that you have created a quorum, we can create databases and tables. Click the Schema tab of the management console and click Create new database to create a database. Then click Create new table to create a new table. ScaliendB tables are key-value namespaces and are split into into shards and when a new table is created its first shard is automatically created with it. When you create table, you have to specify which quorum the table's first shard should be placed in.

Once you have created the table, you can examine the shards by clicking the Show shards button.

Writing into the table

Once you have created the table, let's try to set hello => world into it. Let's use the shard server's HTTP server for this. Suppose one of the shard servers in the quorum is and is listening on HTTP port 8080. Then we can use our browser to set:

Here tableID is the ID of the table we just created, it starts at 1 and may be looked up under the Schema tab of the management console. Now, check that we can read back what we just wrote: