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Subhrodip Mohanta edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 11 revisions


πŸ”’: API is secured with JWT

πŸ“ƒ: API is Paginated

Authentication API

POST /authenticate

Authenticate the User and provides them with a JWT token as a response

User Related APIs

GET /users/@{username}

Get details of given user by username

GET /users/{userid}

Get details of given user by userid

POST /users

Create a new user

PATCH /users πŸ”’

Update bio/name/image etc of an user

PUT /users/{userid}/follow πŸ”’

Follow the given user

DELETE /users/{userid}/follow πŸ”’

Un-follow the given user

GET /users/{userid}/followers πŸ“ƒ

Get a list of all followers of this user

GET /users/{userid}/followings πŸ“ƒ

Get a list of all following of this user

Post Related APIs

GET /posts πŸ“ƒ

Get list of all posts

GET /posts/{postid}

Get Details of a post

POST /posts πŸ”’

Create a new post

DELETE /posts/{postid} πŸ”’

Delete a given post

PUT /posts/{postid}/like πŸ”’

Like the given post

DELETE /posts/{postid}/like πŸ”’

Un-like the given post

Hashtag Related APIs

GET /hashtags πŸ“ƒ

Top hashtags (default top 10)

GET /hashtags/{hashtag}/posts πŸ“ƒ

All posts of this given hashtag