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Add zarr3 streaming v0 (#7941)
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* WIP add zarr3 streaming
- Added mag/zarr.json & mag/coords route for datasets (not annotations)

* manage minimal zarr3 support for viewing a dataset and viewing an annotation

* add basic zarr 3 ngff v2 group header route

* add zarr 3 ngff v2 group header route for annotations

* merge Zarr3StreamController into ZarrStreamingController

* ensure full match when parsing zarr coordinates to avoid parsing any non-numerical characters

* make NgffMetadataV2 nd compatible

* refactor code

* remove Zarr3StreamingController.scala

* minor code fixes; mostly remove unused imports

* remove fixed full length match of zarr coordinate regex parsing;
- wk seems to send c.0.x.y.z requests and the c at the start does not match with the regex resulting in invalid coordinate parsing

* add c. as a prefix to the coordinate parsing regex as defined by the zarr spec

* exclude leading c from the zarr3 coordinate parsing

* apply pr feedback

* remove unused imports and format code

* add datasource-properties.json and dir listing routes to zarr 3 streaming

* format code

* add changelog entry

* fix Zarr3GroupHeader json serialization format

* fix backend format

* Update webknossos-datastore/app/com/scalableminds/webknossos/datastore/datareaders/zarr/NgffMetadataV0_5.scala

* add comments about why manual json serializer is needed


Co-authored-by: Norman Rzepka <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
MichaelBuessemeyer and normanrz authored Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 81d2b29 commit cb1331b
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Showing 17 changed files with 732 additions and 284 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ For upgrade instructions, please check the [migration guide](MIGRATIONS.released
- Added option to expand or collapse all subgroups of a segment group in the segments tab. [#7911](
- The context menu that is opened upon right-clicking a segment in the dataview port now contains the segment's name. [#7920](
- Upgraded backend dependencies for improved performance and stability. [#7922](
- Added Support for streaming datasets via Zarr version 3. [#7941](
- It is now saved whether segment groups are collapsed or expanded, so this information doesn't get lost e.g. upon page reload. [#7928](
- It is now saved whether skeleton groups are collapsed or expanded. This information is also persisted to NML output. [#7939](
- The context menu entry "Focus in Segment List" expands all necessary segment groups in the segments tab to show the highlighted segment. [#7950](
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion conf/messages
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,9 +138,10 @@ dataLayer.mustBeSegmentation=DataLayer “{0}” is not a segmentation layer
dataLayer.wrongMag=DataLayer “{0}” does not have mag “{1}”
dataLayer.invalidMag=Supplied “{0}” is not a valid mag format. Please use “x-y-z”

zarr.invalidChunkCoordinates=The requested chunk coordinates are in an invalid format. Expected c.x.y.z
zarr.invalidChunkCoordinates=Invalid chunk coordinates. Expected dot separated coordinates with a prefix of “c.”: c.<additional_axes.>x.y.z
zarr.invalidFirstChunkCoord="First Channel must be 0"
zarr.chunkNotFound=Could not find the requested chunk
zarr.notEnoughCoordinates=Invalid number of chunk coordinates. Expected to get at least 3 dimensions and channel 0.

nml.file.uploadSuccess=Successfully uploaded file
nml.file.notFound=Could not extract NML file
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Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,13 @@ import com.scalableminds.util.cache.AlfuCache
import com.scalableminds.util.geometry.{BoundingBox, Vec3Int}
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.dataformats.{DatasetArrayBucketProvider, MagLocator}
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.datasource.LayerViewConfiguration.LayerViewConfiguration
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.datasource._
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.datasource.{DataFormat, _}
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat}
import ucar.ma2.{Array => MultiArray}

trait ZarrLayer extends DataLayerWithMagLocators {

val dataFormat: DataFormat.Value = DataFormat.zarr

def bucketProvider(remoteSourceDescriptorServiceOpt: Option[RemoteSourceDescriptorService],
dataSourceId: DataSourceId,
sharedChunkContentsCache: Option[AlfuCache[String, MultiArray]]) =
Expand All @@ -36,7 +34,8 @@ case class ZarrDataLayer(
adminViewConfiguration: Option[LayerViewConfiguration] = None,
coordinateTransformations: Option[List[CoordinateTransformation]] = None,
override val numChannels: Option[Int] = Some(1),
override val additionalAxes: Option[Seq[AdditionalAxis]]
override val additionalAxes: Option[Seq[AdditionalAxis]],
override val dataFormat: DataFormat.Value,
) extends ZarrLayer

object ZarrDataLayer {
Expand All @@ -54,7 +53,8 @@ case class ZarrSegmentationLayer(
adminViewConfiguration: Option[LayerViewConfiguration] = None,
coordinateTransformations: Option[List[CoordinateTransformation]] = None,
override val numChannels: Option[Int] = Some(1),
additionalAxes: Option[Seq[AdditionalAxis]] = None
additionalAxes: Option[Seq[AdditionalAxis]] = None,
override val dataFormat: DataFormat.Value,
) extends SegmentationLayer
with ZarrLayer

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,51 @@
package com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.dataformats.zarr

import{bool2Fox, option2Fox}
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.AdditionalCoordinate
import play.api.http.Status.NOT_FOUND
import play.api.i18n.{Messages, MessagesProvider}

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

object ZarrCoordinatesParser {
def parseDotCoordinates(
cxyz: String,
): Option[(Int, Int, Int, Int)] = {
val singleRx = "\\s*([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)\\s*".r
val singleRx = "^\\s*c\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\s*$".r

cxyz match {
case singleRx(c, x, y, z) =>
Some(Integer.parseInt(c), Integer.parseInt(x), Integer.parseInt(y), Integer.parseInt(z))
case _ => None

def parseNDimensionalDotCoordinates(
coordinates: String,
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, m: MessagesProvider): Fox[(Int, Int, Int, Option[List[AdditionalCoordinate]])] = {
val ndCoordinatesRx = "^\\s*c\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(\\.([0-9]+))+\\s*$".r
// The tail cuts off the leading "c" form the "c." at the beginning of coordinates.

for {
parsedCoordinates <- ndCoordinatesRx
.map(m => m.split('.') => Integer.parseInt(coord))) ?~>
Messages("zarr.invalidChunkCoordinates") ~> NOT_FOUND
channelCoordinate <- parsedCoordinates.headOption ~> NOT_FOUND
_ <- bool2Fox(channelCoordinate == 0) ?~> "zarr.invalidFirstChunkCoord" ~> NOT_FOUND
_ <- bool2Fox(parsedCoordinates.length >= 4) ?~> "zarr.notEnoughCoordinates" ~> NOT_FOUND
(x, y, z) = (parsedCoordinates(parsedCoordinates.length - 3),
parsedCoordinates(parsedCoordinates.length - 2),
parsedCoordinates(parsedCoordinates.length - 1))
additionalCoordinates = if (parsedCoordinates.length > 4)
.slice(1, parsedCoordinates.length - 3)
.map(coordWithIndex => new AdditionalCoordinate(name = s"t${coordWithIndex._2}", value = coordWithIndex._1))
else None
} yield (x, y, z, additionalCoordinates)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,46 +1,15 @@
package com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.zarr;
package com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.zarr

import com.scalableminds.util.geometry.{Vec3Double, Vec3Int}
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.{LengthUnit, VoxelSize}
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Failure, Full}
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.VoxelSize
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat}

case class NgffCoordinateTransformation(`type`: String = "scale", scale: Option[List[Double]])

object NgffCoordinateTransformation {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffCoordinateTransformation] = Json.format[NgffCoordinateTransformation]

case class NgffDataset(path: String, coordinateTransformations: List[NgffCoordinateTransformation])

object NgffDataset {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffDataset] = Json.format[NgffDataset]

case class NgffGroupHeader(zarr_format: Int)
object NgffGroupHeader {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffGroupHeader] = Json.format[NgffGroupHeader]
val FILENAME_DOT_ZGROUP = ".zgroup"

case class NgffAxis(name: String, `type`: String, unit: Option[String] = None) {

def lengthUnit: Box[models.LengthUnit.Value] =
if (`type` != "space")
Failure(f"Could not convert NGFF unit $name of type ${`type`} to LengthUnit")
else {
unit match {
case None | Some("") => Full(VoxelSize.DEFAULT_UNIT)
case Some(someUnit) => LengthUnit.fromString(someUnit)

object NgffAxis {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffAxis] = Json.format[NgffAxis]

case class NgffMultiscalesItem(
version: String = "0.4", // format version number
name: Option[String],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,22 +61,3 @@ object NgffLabelsGroup {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffLabelsGroup] = Json.format[NgffLabelsGroup]
val LABEL_PATH = "labels/.zattrs"

case class NgffOmeroMetadata(channels: List[NgffChannelAttributes])
object NgffOmeroMetadata {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffOmeroMetadata] = Json.format[NgffOmeroMetadata]

case class NgffChannelWindow(min: Double, max: Double, start: Double, end: Double)
object NgffChannelWindow {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffChannelWindow] = Json.format[NgffChannelWindow]

case class NgffChannelAttributes(color: Option[String],
label: Option[String],
window: Option[NgffChannelWindow],
inverted: Option[Boolean],
active: Option[Boolean])
object NgffChannelAttributes {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffChannelAttributes] = Json.format[NgffChannelAttributes]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.zarr

import com.scalableminds.util.geometry.{Vec3Double, Vec3Int}
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.VoxelSize
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.datasource.AdditionalAxis
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat}

// See suggested changes to version v0.5 here together with an example:
case class NgffMultiscalesItemV0_5(
// Ngff V0.5 no longer has the version inside the multiscale field.
name: Option[String],
axes: List[NgffAxis] = List(
NgffAxis(name = "c", `type` = "channel"),
NgffAxis(name = "x", `type` = "space", unit = Some("nanometer")),
NgffAxis(name = "y", `type` = "space", unit = Some("nanometer")),
NgffAxis(name = "z", `type` = "space", unit = Some("nanometer")),
datasets: List[NgffDataset]

object NgffMultiscalesItemV0_5 {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffMultiscalesItemV0_5] = Json.format[NgffMultiscalesItemV0_5]

case class NgffMetadataV0_5(version: String,
multiscales: List[NgffMultiscalesItemV0_5],
omero: Option[NgffOmeroMetadata])

object NgffMetadataV0_5 {
def fromNameVoxelSizeAndMags(dataLayerName: String,
dataSourceVoxelSize: VoxelSize,
mags: List[Vec3Int],
additionalAxes: Option[Seq[AdditionalAxis]],
version: String = "0.5"): NgffMetadataV0_5 = {
val datasets =
mag =>
path = mag.toMagLiteral(allowScalar = true),
scale = Some(List[Double](1.0) ++ (dataSourceVoxelSize.factor * Vec3Double(mag)).toList)))
val lengthUnitStr = dataSourceVoxelSize.unit.toString
val axes = List(NgffAxis(name = "c", `type` = "channel")) ++ additionalAxes
.map(axisAndIndex => NgffAxis(name = s"t${axisAndIndex._2}", `type` = "space", unit = Some(lengthUnitStr))) ++ List(
NgffAxis(name = "x", `type` = "space", unit = Some(lengthUnitStr)),
NgffAxis(name = "y", `type` = "space", unit = Some(lengthUnitStr)),
NgffAxis(name = "z", `type` = "space", unit = Some(lengthUnitStr)),
multiscales =
List(NgffMultiscalesItemV0_5(name = Some(dataLayerName), datasets = datasets, axes = axes)),

implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffMetadataV0_5] = Json.format[NgffMetadataV0_5]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.zarr

import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.{LengthUnit, VoxelSize}
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Failure, Full}
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat}

case class NgffCoordinateTransformation(`type`: String = "scale", scale: Option[List[Double]])

object NgffCoordinateTransformation {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffCoordinateTransformation] = Json.format[NgffCoordinateTransformation]

case class NgffDataset(path: String, coordinateTransformations: List[NgffCoordinateTransformation])

object NgffDataset {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffDataset] = Json.format[NgffDataset]

case class NgffAxis(name: String, `type`: String, unit: Option[String] = None) {

def lengthUnit: Box[models.LengthUnit.Value] =
if (`type` != "space")
Failure(f"Could not convert NGFF unit $name of type ${`type`} to LengthUnit")
else {
unit match {
case None | Some("") => Full(VoxelSize.DEFAULT_UNIT)
case Some(someUnit) => LengthUnit.fromString(someUnit)

object NgffAxis {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffAxis] = Json.format[NgffAxis]

case class NgffOmeroMetadata(channels: List[NgffChannelAttributes])
object NgffOmeroMetadata {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffOmeroMetadata] = Json.format[NgffOmeroMetadata]

case class NgffChannelWindow(min: Double, max: Double, start: Double, end: Double)
object NgffChannelWindow {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffChannelWindow] = Json.format[NgffChannelWindow]

case class NgffChannelAttributes(color: Option[String],
label: Option[String],
window: Option[NgffChannelWindow],
inverted: Option[Boolean],
active: Option[Boolean])
object NgffChannelAttributes {
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[NgffChannelAttributes] = Json.format[NgffChannelAttributes]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.{
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.helpers.JsonImplicits
import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.models.datasource.{AdditionalAxis, DataLayer}
import net.liftweb.common.Box.tryo
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Full}
import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsArray, JsResult, JsString, JsSuccess, JsValue, Json, OFormat}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,13 +241,49 @@ object Zarr3ArrayHeader extends JsonImplicits {
ChunkGridConfiguration(Array(1, 1, 1))))), // Extension not supported for now
"chunk_key_encoding" -> zarrArrayHeader.chunk_key_encoding,
"fill_value" -> zarrArrayHeader.fill_value,
"attributes" -> Json.toJsFieldJsValueWrapper(zarrArrayHeader.attributes.getOrElse(Map("" -> ""))),
"attributes" -> Json.toJsFieldJsValueWrapper(zarrArrayHeader.attributes.getOrElse(Map.empty)),
"codecs" -> { codec: CodecConfiguration =>
val configurationJson = if (codec.includeConfiguration) Json.obj("configuration" -> codec) else Json.obj()
Json.obj("name" -> ++ configurationJson
"storage_transformers" -> zarrArrayHeader.storage_transformers,
"dimension_names" -> zarrArrayHeader.dimension_names

def fromDataLayer(dataLayer: DataLayer): Zarr3ArrayHeader = {
val additionalAxes = reorderAdditionalAxes(dataLayer.additionalAxes.getOrElse(Seq.empty))
zarr_format = 3,
node_type = "array",
// channel, additional axes, XYZ
shape = Array(1) ++ ++ dataLayer.boundingBox.bottomRight.toArray,
data_type = Left(dataLayer.elementClass.toString),
chunk_grid = Left(
chunk_shape = Array.fill(1 + additionalAxes.length)(1) ++ Array(DataLayer.bucketLength,
chunk_key_encoding =
ChunkKeyEncoding("default", configuration = Some(ChunkKeyEncodingConfiguration(separator = Some(".")))),
fill_value = Right(0),
attributes = None,
codecs = Seq(
TransposeCodecConfiguration(TransposeSetting.fOrderFromRank(additionalAxes.length + 4)),
storage_transformers = None,
dimension_names = Some(Array("c") ++ ++ Seq("x", "y", "z"))
private def reorderAdditionalAxes(additionalAxes: Seq[AdditionalAxis]): Seq[AdditionalAxis] = {
val additionalAxesStartIndex = 1 // channel comes first
val sorted = additionalAxes.sortBy(_.index) {
case (axis, index) => axis.copy(index = index + additionalAxesStartIndex)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.zarr3

import com.scalableminds.webknossos.datastore.datareaders.zarr.NgffMetadataV0_5
import play.api.libs.json._

case class Zarr3GroupHeader(
zarr_format: Int, // must be 3
node_type: String, // must be "group"
ngffMetadata: Option[NgffMetadataV0_5],

object Zarr3GroupHeader {
implicit object Zarr3GroupHeaderFormat extends Format[Zarr3GroupHeader] {
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Zarr3GroupHeader] =
for {
zarr_format <- (json \ "zarr_format").validate[Int]
node_type <- (json \ "node_type").validate[String]
// Read the metadata from the correct json path.
ngffMetadata <- (json \ "attributes" \ "ome").validateOpt[NgffMetadataV0_5]
} yield

override def writes(zarrArrayGroup: Zarr3GroupHeader): JsValue =
"zarr_format" -> zarrArrayGroup.zarr_format,
"node_type" -> zarrArrayGroup.node_type,
// Enforce correct path for ngffMetadata in the json.
"attributes" -> Json.obj("ome" -> zarrArrayGroup.ngffMetadata),

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