Files and scripts needed to perform installation of development environment on macOS.
To install the CLI tool, you can use one of the below methods depending on which package manager you use.
To install the CLI tool using Poetry, run the following commands:
$ poetry shell
$ poetry install --sync --verbose
$ macos-install --help
Usage: macos-install [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
To install the CLI tool in the traditional way, run the following commands:
$ python3 -m venv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -e .
$ macos-install --help
Usage: macos-install [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Examples of running a backup
# Simple backup; dry-run
$ macos-install backup --backup-file test-backup-$(date +%s).zip
[DRY-RUN] Creating backup file '' of the following locations:
- /Users/<user>/.vimrc
- /Users/<user>/iterm2-prefs
# Simple backup; actually create the backup
$ macos-install --no-dry-run backup --backup-file test-backup-$(date +%s).zip
Creating backup file '' of the following locations:
- /Users/<user>/.zshrc
- /Users/<user>/.gitignore_global
The restore operation has two steps.
Run the following command to install all files from the Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file brew/Brewfile --verbose
Examples of running a restore
$ macos-install restore --restore-file