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FIX #285 FIX #287 FIX #52 Improved docs for packageMappings in Univer…
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muuki88 committed Sep 24, 2014
1 parent 7cc2e09 commit 75fd085
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Showing 4 changed files with 380 additions and 3 deletions.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/sphinx/DetailedTopics/archetypes.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,3 +195,107 @@ You can use ``${{variable_name}}`` to reference variables when writing your scir

Creating a file here will override the ``/etc/default/<application>`` template
used when SystemV is the server loader.

SBT Assembly

This isn't currently an archetype itself, but you can configure it yourself very easily.
First add the sbt-assembly plugin to your `plugins.sbt` file.

.. code-block:: scala
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.11.2")
The next step is to remove all the jar mappings from the normal mappings and only add the
assembly jar. In this example we'll set the assembly jar name ourself, so we know exactly
what the output should look like. Finally we change the ``scriptClasspath`` so it only
contains the assembled jar. This is what the final ``build.sbt`` should contain:

.. code-block:: scala
// the assembly settings
// we specify the name for our fat jar
jarName in assembly := "assembly-project.jar"
// using the java server for this application. java_application is fine, too
// removes all jar mappings in universal and appends the fat jar
mappings in Universal := {
// universalMappings: Seq[(File,String)]
val universalMappings = (mappings in Universal).value
val fatJar = (assembly in Compile).value
// removing means filtering
val filtered = universalMappings filter {
case (file, name) => ! name.endsWith(".jar")
// add the fat jar
filtered :+ (fatJar -> ("lib/" + fatJar.getName))
// the bash scripts classpath only needs the fat jar
scriptClasspath := Seq( (jarName in assembly).value )
Multi Module Builds

If you want to aggregate different projects in a multi module build to a single package,
you can specify everthing in a single ``build.sbt``

.. code-block:: scala
import NativePackagerKeys._
name := "mukis-fullstack"
// used like the groupId in maven
organization in ThisBuild := "de.mukis"
// all sub projects have the same version
version in ThisBuild := "1.0"
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.11.2"
// common dependencies
libraryDependencies in ThisBuild ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.2.0"
// this is the root project, aggregating all sub projects
lazy val root = Project(
id = "root",
base = file("."),
// configure your native packaging settings here
settings = packageArchetype.java_server++ Seq(
maintainer := "John Smith <[email protected]>",
packageDescription := "Fullstack Application",
packageSummary := "Fullstack Application",
// entrypoint
mainClass in Compile := Some("de.mukis.frontend.ProductionServer")
// always run all commands on each sub project
aggregate = Seq(frontend, backend, api)
) dependsOn(frontend, backend, api) // this does the actual aggregation
// --------- Project Frontend ------------------
lazy val frontend = Project(
id = "frontend",
base = file("frontend")
) dependsOn(api)
// --------- Project Backend ----------------
lazy val backend = Project(
id = "backend",
base = file("backend")
) dependsOn(api)
// --------- Project API ------------------
lazy val api = Project(
id = "api",
base = file("api")
221 changes: 218 additions & 3 deletions src/sphinx/DetailedTopics/linux.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ The required fields for any linux distribution are:
Package Mappings

Most of the work in generating a linux package is constructing package mappings. These 'map' a file to a location on disk where it should reside as well as information about that file. Package mappings allow the specification of file ownership, permissions and whether or not the file can be considered "configuration".
Most of the work in generating a linux package is constructing package mappings. These 'map' a file to a location on disk where it should
reside as well as information about that file. Package mappings allow the specification of file ownership, permissions and whether or not
the file can be considered "configuration".

Note that while the ``sbt-native-packager`` plugin allows you to specify all of this information, not all platforms will make use of the information. It's best to be specific
about how you want files handled and run tests on each platform you wish to deploy to.
Note that while the ``sbt-native-packager`` plugin allows you to specify all of this information, not all platforms will make use of the
information. It's best to be specific about how you want files handled and run tests on each platform you wish to deploy to.

A package mapping takes this general form

Expand All @@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ A package mapping takes this general form
file -> "/usr/share/man/man1/sbt.1.gz"
) withPerms "0644" gzipped) asDocs()
Let's look at each of the methods supported in the packageMapping 'library'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,8 +70,220 @@ Let's look at each of the methods supported in the packageMapping 'library'.

This denotes which group should be the owner of the given files in the resulting package.

The LinuxPackageMapping Models

All classes are located in the ``com.typesafe.sbt.packager.linux`` package. So if you want to create
instances yourself you have to add ``import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.linux._`` to your build file.

A ``LinuxPackageMapping`` contains the following fields:

``mappings: Traversable[(File, String)]``
A list of mappings aggregated by this LinuxPackageMapping

``fileData: LinuxFileMetaData``
Permissions for all the defined mappings. Default to "root:root 755"

``zipped: Boolean``
Are the mappings zipped. Default to false

All mappings are stored in the task ``linuxPackageMappings`` which returns a ``Seq[LinuxPackageMapping]``. To display the contents
open the sbt console and call

.. code-block:: bash
show linuxPackageMappings
The ``LinuxFileMetaData`` has the following fields

``user: String``
The user owning all the mappings. Default "root"

``group: String``
The group owning all the mappings. Default "root"

``permissions: String``
Access permissions for all the mappings. Default "755"

``config: String``
Are the mappings config files. Default "false"

``docs: Boolean``
Are the mappings docs. Default to false

Last but not least there are the ``linuxPackageSymlinks``, which encapsulate symlinks on your
destination system. A ``LinuxSymlink`` contains only two fields

``link: String``
The actual link that points to ``destination``

``destination: String``
The link destination

You can see all currently configured symlinks with this simple command.
``linuxPackageSymlinks`` is just a ``Seq[LinuxSymlink]``

.. code-block:: bash
show linuxPackageSymlinks
Modifying Mappings in General

Adding, filtering and altering mappings are always simple methods on a sequence: ``Seq[LinuxPackageMapping]``.
The basic contstruct for adding looks like this

.. code-block:: scala
// simple
linuxPackageMappings += packageMapping( (theFile, "/absolute/path/somefile.txt") )
// specialized
linuxPackageMappings += packageMapping( (theFile, "/absolute/path/somefile.txt") ) withPerms("644") asDocs()
If you want to filter or alter things. The example has a lot of things you can _possibly_ do. Just pick
what you need. After this section there are smaller examples, showing how you can implemenet certain functions.

.. code-block:: scala
// sbt 0.13.0 syntax
linuxPackageMappings := {
// mappings: Seq[LinuxPackageMapping]
val mappings = linuxPackageMappings.value
// this process will must return another Seq[LinuxPackageMapping]
mappings map { linuxPackage =>
// basic scala collections operations. Seq[(, String)]
val filtered = linuxPackage.mappings map {
case (file, name) => file -> name // altering stuff here
} filter {
case (file, name) => true // remove stuff from mappings
// case class copy method. Specify only what you need
val fileData = linuxPackage.fileData.copy(
user = "new user",
group = "another group",
permissions = "444",
config = "false",
docs = false
// case class copy method. Specify only what you need.
// returns a fresh LinuxPackageMapping
mappings = filterd,
fileData = fileData
} filter {
linuxPackage => linuxPackage.mappings.nonEmpty // remove stuff. Here all empty linuxPackageMappings
// sbt 0.12.x syntax
linuxPackageMappings <<= linuxPackageMappings map { mappings =>
/* stuff. see above */
The ordering in which you apply the tasks is important.

Add Mappings

To add an arbitrary file in your build path

.. code-block:: scala
linuxPackageMappings += {
val file = sourceDirectory.value / "resources" / "somefile.txt"
packageMapping( (file, "/absolute/path/somefile.txt") )
``linuxPackageMappings`` can be scoped to ``Rpm` or ``Debian`` if you want to add mappings only for a single packacking type.

.. code-block:: scala
linuxPackageMappings in Debian += {
val file = sourceDirectory.value / "resources" / "debian-somefile.txt"
packageMapping( (file, "/absolute/path/somefile.txt") )
linuxPackageMappings in Rpm += {
val file = sourceDirectory.value / "resources" / "rpm-somefile.txt"
packageMapping( (file, "/absolute/path/somefile.txt") )
Filter/Remove Mappings

If you want to remove some mappings you have to filter the current list of ``linuxPackageMappings``.
As ``linuxPackageMappings`` is a task, the order of your settings is important. Here are some examples
on how to filter mappings.

.. code-block:: scala
// this is equal to
// linuxPackageMappings <<= linuxPackageMappings map { mappings => /* stuff */ mappings }
linuxPackageMappings := {
// first get the current mappings. mapping is of type Seq[LinuxPackageMapping]
val mappings = linuxPackageMappings.value
// map over the mappings if you want to change them
mappings map { mapping =>
// we remove everything besides files that end with ".conf"
val filtered = mapping.mappings filter {
case (file, name) => name endsWith ".conf"
// now we copy the mapping but replace the mappings
mapping.copy(mappings = filtered)
} filter {
// remove all LinuxPackageMapping instances that have to file mappings
Alter LinuxPackageMapping

First we alter the permissions for all ``LinuxPackageMapping``s that match a specific criteria.
.. code-block:: scala
// Altering permissions for configs
linuxPackageMappings := {
val mappings = linuxPackageMappings.value
// Changing the group for all configs
mappings map {
case linuxPackage if linuxPackage.fileData.config equals "true" =>
// altering the group
val newFileData = linuxPackage.fileData.copy(
group = "appdocs"
// altering the LinuxPackageMapping
fileData = newFileData
case linuxPackage => linuxPackage
Alter LinuxSymlinks
First we alter the permissions for all ``LinuxPackageMapping``s that match a specific criteria.
.. code-block:: scala
// The same as linuxPackageMappings
linuxPackageSymlinks := {
val links = linuxPackageSymlinks.value
links filter { /* remove stuff */ } map { /* change stuff */}
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
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