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maintains a tree of differential backups in object storage


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What does it do?

btrfs2s3 maintains a tree of differential backups in cloud object storage (anything with an S3-compatible API).

Each backup object is just a native btrfs archive produced by btrfs send [-p].

The root of the tree is a full backup. The other nodes of the tree are differential backups.

The structure of the tree corresponds to a schedule.

It looks like this:

  • Yearly backup (full)
    • Monthly backup A (changes from yearly)
    • Monthly backup B (changes from yearly)
      • Daily backup 1 (changes from monthly B)
      • Daily backup 2 (changes from monthly B)
    • Monthly backup C (changes from yearly)
      • Daily backup 3 (changes from monthly C)
      • Daily backup 4 (changes from monthly C)

The schedule and granularity can be customized. Up-to-the-minute backups can be made, with minimal increase in cloud storage or I/O.

The design and implementation are tailored to minimize cloud costs.

btrfs2s3 will keep one snapshot on disk for each backup in the cloud. This one-to-one correspondence is required for differential backups.

What problem does this solve?

btrfs2s3 is intended for users who want to self-host irreplacable data, but are concerned about the risk of self-hosting backups. btrfs2s3's main function is to hand off backups to a third party, and minimize the cost of doing so.

My hope is that more users (including myself) can self-host more data with confidence.


  • Self-hosted backups
  • Backups of replacable data, e.g. an operating system

The case for cloud backups of self-hosted data

Cloud-hosted backups can be a cost-effective alternative to a self-hosted backup system. They might also be the only way to eliminate yourself as a single point of failure.

Self-hosting precious data generally means redundant storage, good security, reliable monitoring and regular maintenance. Self-hosting backups means doing all that twice, ideally on a geographically-distant system.

These aren't hard problems on their own, but each is a new opportunity for human error, which has no upper bound of severity. Personally, I've lost years of data by formatting the wrong volume.

Further, self-hosting primary and backup systems means means you have admin powers over both. If one is compromised, the other may get compromised through your access. If bad config affects one, it may affect the other through your administration. How can you protect yourself from yourself?

If you are dedicated to self-hosting backups, btrfs2s3 may not be the best tool. A self-hosted backup system can use the same filesystem as the primary, and take better advantage of native deduplication and direct file access. A tool like btrbk is good for this.

The case for snapshotting filesystems

btrfs2s3 stores native data streams from snapshotting filesystems (currently only btrfs, but more support is planned). It may seem like a backup tool should support all filesystems, and not specialize.

When we specialize in snapshotting filesystems, we can take advantage of native change detection, deduplication and data storage formats. This has several advantages:

  • Backups can be done automatically in the background with little or no interruption, maximizing the chances that backups stay up-to-date
  • Backups can be very frequent, minimizing the chance of data loss
  • Our tool's code is greatly simplified, reducing maintenance costs and bug surface area
  • We're guaranteed to backup all filesystem-specific metadata, whereas a generic backup storage format may need to discard it

It may seem that if your data is on an ext4 volume or a Windows machine, it's a disadvantage if a backup tool doesn't support that.

But if your data is worth backing up, it should be on a filesystem with checksums. This is the same as the argument for ECC memory. And apparently, most or all checksumming filesystems also support snapshots (true of btrfs, zfs, xfs, ceph; I welcome counterexamples). Thus if you need a backup tool, you likely already have native snapshotting features available, and it would be wasteful for a backup tool to to ignore these and re-implement all their advantages.

Many believe that btrfs is unstable. While this is a tedious debate, it's always reasonable to believe software has bugs. But backups are the best defense against bugs. To the degree that snapshotting filesystems make backups easier, non-snapshotting filesystems like ext4 incur risk by making backups harder.

One extra risk of relying on native snapshots is that its specialized code paths are less extremely-well-tested than traditional ones (btrfs send versus read()). There is some increased risk of silent data corruption in backups.


  • Atomic snapshot backups.
  • Up-to-the-minute backups are reasonable (even full-filesystem snapshots!)
  • Simple design with no separate state files.
  • Excellent fit with cheap storage classes (e.g. AWS Glacier Deep Archive).
  • Excellent fit with object locking for security.
  • Designed to minimize API usage and other cloud storage costs.
  • Connects directly to S3, no FUSE filesystem required.


  • Requires btrfs.
  • Individual files can't be accessed directly. A whole sequence of snapshots (from root to leaf) must be restored on a local btrfs filesystem.

Comparison with other tools



btrfs2s3 requires:

  • btrfs-progs
  • python bindings for btrfsutil

The btrfsutil python bindings are a compiled library against kernel interfaces. It isn't distributed in PyPI. You can find it in your distribution's software repo.

Upcoming feature: btrfsutil won't be required in the future.


apt-get install btrfs-progs python3-btrfsutil


pacman -S btrfs-progs  # includes python3 btrfsutil


apk btrfs-progs py3-btrfs-progs

btrfs2s3 is distributed on PyPI. You can install the latest version, either globally:

sudo pip install btrfs2s3

...or in a virtualenv.

If you use a virtualenv, you must use --system-site-packages. This is due to the dependency on btrfsutil.

python -m virtualenv --system-site-packages v
source v/bin/activate
pip install btrfs2s3

You might find that --system-site-packages can produce strange results, like failing to install or failures at runtime. This is because the virtualenv contains a mixture of package versions from both the system and the env. These version mixtures are uncommon and less tested. Python developers are not good at specifying versions of their dependencies for some reason, so these version mixtures often break things. The simplest fix for this is to use pip install --ignore-installed.


btrfs2s3 adheres to Semantic Versioning v2.0.0. Any breaking changes will result in a major version bump.

As of writing, the documented user-facing API surface consists of:

  • CLI arguments (not the CLI output)
  • The backup object storage and metadata format

There is no publicly-exposed programmatic interface / API as of writing. The programmatic interface should be considered unstable and subject to breaking change without a major version bump.

The v0.x versions are experimental and should not be used.


Minimal example:

timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  - path: /path/to/your/subvolume
    snapshots: /path/to/your/snapshots
      - id: aws
        preserve: 1y 3m 30d 24h
  - id: aws
      bucket: my-s3-bucket-name

Full reference:

# Your time zone. Changing this affects your preservation policy. Always
# required.
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
# A source is a subvolume which you want to back up. btrfs2s3 will manage
# snapshots and backups of the source. At least one is required.
    # The path must be a subvolume to which you have write access.
  - path: /path/to/your/subvolume
    # The path where you want btrfs2s3 to store snapshots. btrfs2s3 will
    # automatically manage (create, rename and delete) any snapshots of the
    # source which exist under this path. Any snapshots outside of this path
    # will be ignored by btrfs2s3.
    snapshots: /path/to/your/snapshots
    # upload_to_remotes specifies where btrfs2s3 should store backups of this
    # source, and how they should be managed. At least one is required.
    # Currently, only one is allowed
    # (
        # The id refers to the "id" field of the top-level "remotes" list.
      - id: aws
        # The preservation policy for backing up this source to this remote.
        # This applies to both snapshots and backups.
        preserve: 1y 3m 30d 24h
        # A sequence of commands to pipe the backup stream through. This is
        # useful for compressing or encrypting your backup on the host before
        # storing it in the cloud. The resulting backup will be the result of
        # a command pipeline like "btrfs send | cmd1 | cmd2 | ..."
          - [gzip]
          - [gpg, --encrypt, -r, [email protected]]
# A list of places to store backups remotely. At least one is required.
    # A unique id for this remote. Required.
  - id: aws
    # S3 configuration. Required.
      # The S3 bucket name. Required.
      bucket: my-s3-bucket-name
      # Optional configuration for the S3 service endpoint.
        # The AWS config profile in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials. If
        # not specified, the default config sections are used.
        profile_name: my-profile-name
        # The AWS region name. Required if not configured in ~/.aws
        region_name: us-west-2
        # Access key id and secret access key for accessing the S3 endpoint.
        # Required if not specified in ~/.aws
        aws_access_key_id: ABCXYZ...
        aws_secret_access_key: ABCXYZ...
        # The S3 endpoint URL. Required if not specified in ~/.aws
        # Whether to verify SSL certificates on the endpoint. This can be true
        # to verify against the default certificate store, or false to disable
        # certificate verification, or a path to a combined .pem file to
        # validate against a custom certificate store.
        verify: false

Limitation: Multiple remotes entries are not supported in the current release.

Limitation: All snapshots entries must point to the same location in the current release.

Limitation: All preserve configurations must be the same in the current release.

Limitation: All pipe_through configurations must be the same in the current release.

Preservation Policy

The preservation policy defines the structure of the differential tree for each source.

The preservation policy is modeled on retention policies in btrbk.

In configuration, format is:

[<yearly>y] [<quarterly>q] [<monthly>m] [<weekly>w] [<daily>d] [<hourly>h] [<minutely>M] [<secondly>s]


yearly is how many years of yearly backups should be preserved. The first backup of the year is the yearly backup.

quarterly is how many quarters of quarterly backups should be preserved. The first backup of the quarter is the quarterly backup.

monthly is how many months of monthly backups should be preserved. The first backup of the month is the monthly backup.

weekly is how many weeks of weekly backups should be preserved. The first backup of the week is the weekly backup.

daily is how many days of daily backups should be preserved. The first backup of the day is the daily backup.

hourly is how many hours of hourly backups should be preserved. The first backup of the hour is the hourly backup.

minutely is how many minutes of minutely backups should be preserved. The first backup of the minute is the minutely backup.

secondly is how many seconds of secondly backups should be preserved. The first backup of the second is the secondly backup.

In btrfs2s3, an interval is a specific span of time, such as the year 2006. A timeframe is a type of interval, such as "years" or "quarters".

The preservation policy defines both the schedule at which backups are created, and the structure of the differential tree.

The first (longest) timeframe declared in the policy will produce full backups. The other timeframes will produce differential backups, whose parent is with the previous timeframe's backup.

For example, a policy of 1m 1d will produce one monthly full backup and one daily differential backup whose parent is the monthly backup. Weekly backups aren't defined by this policy, and so are not considered.

Currently, the preservation policy applies to both snapshots and backups.

A deeper backup tree will allow more deduplication between backups. One downside of a deeper tree is that a single corrupted or lost backup may affect a larger number of other backups.

It's quite reasonable to define a "deep" preservation policy with very short timeframes like minutes or seconds. This may produce some small differential backups, but the data within them will eventually migrate up the tree as new longer-timeframe backups are created. In theory, the shortest timeframe you can use in practice is equal to your commit interval (the -o commit= mount option). This defaults to 30 seconds.


btrfs2s3 update [options] config.yaml

Perform a one-time update of snapshots and backups.

For each configured source subvolume, this does the following once:

  • Create a new read-only snapshot if source data has changed.
  • Rename any read-only snapshots to conform to our naming scheme.
  • Upload new backups to all configured remotes.
  • Delete expired read-only snapshots.
  • Delete expired backups.

By default, btrfs2s3 update will print a preview of what actions would be done, and prompt for confirmation. It will refuse to run in a non-interactive terminal, unless --force is supplied.

Currently, the main way to use btrfs2s3 is to set up btrfs2s3 update to run in a crontab. Note that btrfs2s3 update may be long-running or not, depending on whether it's uploading a new full backup. If running from cron, you may want to protect against multiple copies running at once, like this:

* * * * * pgrep btrfs2s3 >/dev/null || btrfs2s3 update --force config.yaml

--pretend: Instead of performing actions, only print the preview of what actions would be performed, then exit.

--force: Perform the actions without prompting. This is required when running in a non-interactive terminal.

Upcoming feature:

btrfs2s3 daemon [options] config.yaml

Continuously update snapshots and backups. This will be equivalent to running btrfs2s3 update in cron, but will be more efficient in API usage due to caching data, and more efficient in local resources due to not reloading python.

Upcoming feature:

btrfs2s3 restore [options] config.yaml local-path remote-id [target-uuid]

Restore backup(s) to a local btrfs filesystem with btrfs receive.

local-path is a path to a btrfs filesystem. Any restored snapshots will be created as subdirectories of local-path.

remote-id refers to the id field of the top-level remotes list in config.yaml.

With no target-uuid argument, restore all backups found on the remote.

If target-uuid is supplied, it is interpreted based on the data found in the remote. If it refers to a source UUID (aka parent UUID), all backups for that source will be restored. If it refers to a specific snapshot UUID, then that snapshot and its send-parents will be restored (that is, if the target is a differential backup, then its ancestor full backup and any intermediate backups will be restored too).

--pipe-through: A command string. Each backup will be passed through this command before being passed to btrfs receive. This should generally be the inverse of pipe_through from config.yaml: if config.yaml contains pipe_through: [gzip], you should pass btrfs2s3 restore --pipe-through=gunzip. --pipe-through can be specified multiple times.

Upcoming feature:

btrfs2s3 list-backups [options] config.yaml remote-id

List the backups in a bucket.

remote-id refers to the id field of the top-level remotes list in config.yaml.


btrfs2s3 is mainly designed to solve the problem that it's too easy to delete self-hosted backups.

Given a source subvolume, btrfs2s3 will continuously (that is, once per btrfs2s3 update) evaluate whether the source ctransid is more recent than any of its read-only snapshots. If so, it creates a new read-only snapshot.

btrfs2s3 renames read-only snapshots to conform to a fixed pattern. Currently this naming pattern cannot be configured.

For cloud backups, btrfs2s3 encodes metadata about the backup in the filename. This is so all metadata can be parsed from the result of one ListObjectsV2 call.

Differential Tree

btrfs2s3 uses a tree of differential backups. In this scheme, the root is a full backup, and other nodes contain changes from their parent.

It looks like this:

  • Yearly backup (full)
    • Monthly backup A (changes from yearly)
    • Monthly backup B (changes from yearly)
      • Daily backup 1 (changes from monthly B)
      • Daily backup 2 (changes from monthly B)
    • Monthly backup C (changes from yearly)
      • Daily backup 3 (changes from monthly C)
      • Daily backup 4 (changes from monthly C)

This provides a tradeoff between several concerns:

  • Minimizing duplicated data
  • Easily deleting expired data
  • Minimizing the number of backup objects needed for granular backups
  • Ease of understanding dependencies of backup objects
  • Simplifying code
  • Exploiting btrfs' native features
  • Exploiting cloud object storage features
  • Making frequent backups
  • Retaining many recent backups and fewer old ones

Each backup is just the output of btrfs send [-p]. btrfs' copy-on-write architecture has already done the work of deduplication and detecting changes. btrfs2s3 is basically a script that repeatedly calls btrfs send with a fancy choice of -p.

The differential tree duplicates some data. In the example above, daily 2 will contain all the data from daily 1 (assuming none of it was deleted). This tradeoff makes it easy to delete expired backups, and easy to understand where data lives. The tradeoff can be adjusted with the preservation policy: a narrower tree will duplicate less data, at the expense of less frequent backups.

In btrfs2s3 we use a preservation policy to decide the structure of the tree. This is relatively simple to code and easy for users to understand, but it comes at some cost of duplication. In the example above, if daily 1 has large changes but daily 2 does not, we could save space by having daily 2 contain just its small changes from daily 1, making the tree sometimes-differential and sometimes-incremental. But even if we could predict such savings with btrfs' tools, it would create longer backup chains, and add more complexity to btrfs2s3.

Terminology: btrfs2s3 isn't the first to use this kind of tree. I couldn't find a name for it, so I chose "differential tree". This may be a misnomer, as traditionally a differential backup is "only the difference in the data since the last full backup", which only applies to the first non-root level of a differential tree (I think "incremental tree" would be slightly less accurate). If you know a more accurate name, please email me.

Object storage scheme

The content of each backup object is simply the output of btrfs send [-p] (plus pipe_through).

Upcoming change: To support backups larger than the provider's maximum object size, we will consider a backup to be split across multiple objects. The full backup will be the result of concatenating the splits.

We use the file name (aka object key) to store metadata about each backup. We do this by appending specialized suffixes to a base name.

The current metadata scheme looks like this (whitespace and line continuations added for clarity):

<base_name> \                # user-chosen base name, ignored
  .ctim<ctime> \             # ctime of the snapshot
  .ctid<ctransid> \          # ctransid of the snapshot
  .uuid<uuid> \              # uuid of the snapshot
  .sndp<send_parent_uuid> \  # uuid of the differential parent
  .prnt<parent_uuid> \       # uuid of the source subvol
  .mdvn<metadata_version> \  # currently always 1
  .seqn<sequence_number>     # currently must be 0

Metadata suffixes may appear in any order. Unrecognized suffixes are ignored, so suffixes like .gz may be added as desired. Metadata suffixes are designed such that the values never contain a period, and such that they are unlikely to collide with any user-chosen base names or suffixes.

For ctime, we use an ISO 8601 timestamp including timezone. The intent is to make it easier to manually browse backups by filename if necessary.

For full backups, send_parent_uuid is the zero UUID.

ctime, ctransid and the uuids are properties of the btrfs subvolume, generated by kernel code. btrfs2s3 does not generate them.

Note that while metadata names are typically shorter than the common Linux filename limit of 255 bytes, this is not currently a design goal. Our only goal is that names be shorter than S3's limit of 1024 bytes.

An example list of names describing a backup tree might look like this:


In this example:

  • There is one full backup on 2006-01-01
  • The other backups on 2006-01-02 and 2006-01-03 are differential backups, because their send-parent UUID is the UUID of the full backup
  • The parent UUID of each is 9d9d3bcb-4b62-46a3-b6e2-678eeb24f54e. This is the UUID of the original mutable subvolume
  • The base name my_subvol and suffix .gz are ignored by btrfs2s3

Cloud storage costs

Cloud storage providers will charge a storage cost, which is a fixed amount per byte (or gigabyte, etc) per month, with some free allowance.

Minimizing storage cost means storing less data, or storing data for less time.

In btrfs2s3, the main way to control storage costs is with the preservation policy. Generally, preserving fewer backups will reduce storage cost.

Moreover, a deeper backup tree will reduce storage cost. btrfs2s3 maintains a tree of differential backups. This allows you to de-duplicate data.

Let's assume:

  • You have a subvolume with 100GB of data
  • You rewrite 1GB of data (randomly distributed in the 100GB) per hour
  • You want hourly backups for the last day

With preserve: 24h (hourly full backups for 24 hours), you would incur 2400GB of storage costs.

With preserve: 1d 24h (daily full backups for 1 day; hourly differential backups for 7 days), you would incur 400GB of storage costs, in the following tree:

  • 1 full backup (100GB)
    • hourly differential backup 1 (1GB)
    • hourly differential backup 2 (2GB)
    • ...
    • hourly differential backup 24 (24GB)

Upcoming feature: btrfs2s3 can take advantage of storage classes. For example, btrfs2s3 knows that a yearly backup will not be modified for a year, so it can store this using AWS's Glacier Deep Archive storage. This will greatly reduce storage costs on certain providers, especially for large volumes with infrequent changes.

Cloud API usage costs

Cloud storage providers charge for each API call. The cost varies depending on the call and provider.

btrfs2s3 is generally designed to minimize API calls. In particular, we store metadata in the filename of the backup, which lets us retrieve metadata for all objects in a bucket with one ListObjectsV2 call (actually ceil(num_objects / 1000) calls due to pagination).

The best way to minimize API usage costs is to run btrfs2s3 update less frequently.

Upcoming feature: btrfs2s3 could run as a daemon rather than being invoked by cron, which would let us cache the results of ListObjectsV2.

Upcoming feature: btrfs2s3 will cache backup streams to disk rather than RAM, up to the maximum part size of 5GB, to minimize multipart upload calls.

btrfs2s3 update:

  • Calls ListObjectsV2.
  • May call either PutObject or CreateMultipartUpload / UploadPart / CompleteMultipartUpload, for each new backup being uploaded.
  • May call DeleteObjects.

Cloud-to-host costs

Cloud storage providers charge a cost per byte transmitted out to the Internet.

You'll pay cloud egress cost whenever you:

  • Restore your backups
  • Test your backups (you should regularly test your backups!)
  • Move to another provider

To minimize cloud-to-host costs, you'll need to choose a storage provider with low or free egress costs. As of mid 2024, I'm aware of a few providers that offer free egress, such as Backblaze B2. Meanwhile, AWS has some of the highest egress costs in the industry.

Upcoming feature: We will later support uploading backups to multiple remotes. If you upload backups to multiple providers to reduce provider risk, you can pick one provider that offers free egress, and test your backups on that provider.

Host-to-cloud costs

As of mid 2024, as far as I'm aware, no cloud storage provider charges for ingress (a cost per byte received from the Internet). I'd be surprised if this changes, as free ingress makes it easier for new customers to sign up.

However, your host may have egress costs. Many ISPs impose limits or costs on data transfer, specifically upload data. Cloud hosting providers may have bandwidth costs.

Host-to-cloud costs are an inherent tradeoff against frequent backups. btrfs2s3 is designed for frequent or even continuous backups. If this incurs excessive cost for you, you may need to configure btrfs2s3 for less frequent backups.

Upcoming feature: When uploading to multiple remotes, btrfs2s3 will by default copy backups directly to each remote. It may be possible to upload each backup just to one remote, and use one of the various cloud-to-cloud copy mechanisms from there, but this is not planned yet.

Threat Model

Here are some threats we've considered when building btrfs2s3. For each one we list the most likely form, the potential impact, and how we can mitigate them through design and/or usage of the tool.

Data corrupting bugs: A software bug silently corrupts data before it is uploaded. btrfs send is the most likely culprit as it does most of the complex processing.

  • Impact: A sub-tree of differential backups is unusable.
  • Mitigation:

btrfs2s3 user compromised on source host: A hacker gets control of the user running btrfs2s3. Note that this can happen if btrfs2s3 runs as the same user as the source subvolume, and a daemon producing data for that subvolume is compromised.

  • Impact: The hacker has direct read, write or delete access to the source data or snapshots of the source. The hacker may have full control over the system, as btrfs2s3 requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN. The hacker also has access to cloud account credentials and any permissions thereof.
  • Mitigation:
    • Use Immutable backups to ensure there are some backups of data from before the compromise.

Destructive config: The administrator mistakenly modifies btrfs2s3 config to delete more snapshots/backups than desired.

  • Impact: Snapshots and/or backups may be lost.
  • Mitigation:
    • Use btrfs update --pretend to test the impact of any new config.
    • Use Immutable backups to ensure backups can't be deleted by mistake until their originally-prescribed rotation.

Cloud provider compromise: An undesired actor (hacker, nosy administrator, government official, etc) gains full access to your backups.

  • Impact: The actor can read, write or delete your backups, as uploaded.
  • Mitigation:
    • Use pipe_through to encrypt your backups before uploading.
    • Use multiple remotes.
    • To defend against timing attacks, use infrequent backups.

Cloud account compromise: An undesired actor gains access to your cloud credentials.

  • Impact: The actor can read, write or delete your backups, as uploaded. They may incur excessive cloud costs by uploading their own data.
  • Mitigation:
    • Use multiple remotes.
    • Use Immutable backups to ensure there are some backups of your data from before the compromise (unless your root account is compromised).
    • Apply usage quotas to your cloud accounts.

Cloud data loss: Part or all of a cloud object is lost or corrupted. A likely scenario is a continuous segment is lost.

  • Impact: A sub-tree of differential backups is unusable.
  • Mitigation:
    • Use multiple remotes.
    • Preserve multiple full backups.
    • Use checksums to ensure corruption can be detected.
    • Test your backups regularly to detect any loss.
    • Use a careful choice of pipe_through whose output is resilient to partial data loss. Manual forensics may be able to recover data.

Other threats, not directly mitigated by btrfs2s3:

  • Host hardware failure: We rely on ECC memory and checksumming filesystems to detect and/or mitigate errors.
  • Data corrupted in transit: We rely on the fact that we always communicate with a cloud provider over TLS, which provides message integrity.

A note on durability: In the only first-hand account of AWS S3 data loss I can find, a migration bug lost data at the object and partial-object level. This confirms my educated guess that cloud objects are a failure domain, and that cloud storage divides objects into blocks (themselves being failure domains), and that human error (or compromise) is a bigger risk to cloud data than hardware failure. As of writing, S3 claims 99.999999999% (eleven nines) durabilitiy. I personally believe this is an accurate calculation, but based on average hardware failure rates, as opposed to somehow calculating the odds of human error.


btrfs2s3 manages snapshots and backups.

It requires Linux user permissions to create and delete snapshots.

It requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN to perform btrfs send.

It requires access to create and delete objects on S3.

  • btrfs2s3 update: requires s3:ListBucket, s3:PutObject and s3:DeleteObject.

You can run btrfs2s3 as a normal Linux user, rather than root. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Running as non-root isn't officially supported yet, as the test suite doesn't cover it.
  • The filesystem must be mounted with -o user_subvol_rm_allowed, to delete snapshots.
  • The btrfs2s3 user must have write permission to the snapshot directory, and read permissions to the source subvolumes.
  • The btrfs2s3 user must also have CAP_SYS_ADMIN to perform btrfs send.
  • The btrfs2s3 user should presumably be separate from the subvolume owner. Otherwise, the subvolume owner could read S3 secrets from btrfs2s3's config files, or modify the config to set pipe_through to something malicious.
  • It also makes sense to have a distinct S3 bucket and S3 access key for each Linux user running btrfs2s3.

One disadvantage of running btrfs2s3 with distinct Linux users / buckets / access keys is that btrfs2s3 update will issue one ListObjectsV2 call for each user / bucket. This can increase your cloud API usage costs. When running as a single user (root or otherwise), btrfs2s3 can be configured to back up multiple sources to a single remote, and only call ListObjectsV2 once per update of all sources.

Another disadvantage of running multiple instances of btrfs2s3 is that they may create a "thundering herd". If two instances are configured with similar preservation policies, they may both start uploading new full backups at the same time, creating congestion. They may also start using large amounts of temporary storage at the same time (see quirks when uploading to S3).

Immutable backups

Upcoming feature: btrfs2s3 could make backups temporarily immutable. The idea is to use the "object lock" S3 functionality to lock each object until it would be expired by the backup schedule. The lock could even be extended by policy, for example to keep every backup for an extra month after it would otherwise expire. This could provide protection against ransomware, or even accidental deletion of backups.


btrfs2s3 primarily supports encrypting (and compressing) backups via the pipe_through option. The intent is to use something like:

  - [gzip]
  - [gpg, --encrypt, -r, [email protected]]

btrfs2s3 doesn't currently support "server-side encryption", nor is this planned. It appears to be access control with extra steps. If someone wants this feature, they will need to convince me it's meaningful.

Quirks when uploading to S3

The data stream produced by btrfs send (with or without pipe_through) has unpredictable length and is not seekable. The S3 API is poorly-designed for this case.

Currently, when uploading to S3, btrfs2s3 will upload backups in 5 GiB chunks. Each chunk will be written to temporary disk storage before uploading.

Known issue: We will currently fail to upload backup streams larger than the provider's maximum object size (5 TiB for AWS).

Known issue: We will currently fail to upload zero-length backup streams. btrfs send does not produce these, but this may occur depending on pipe_through.

Known issue: Copying data to temporary storage is currently done in python, which is slow. We could use sendfile() / splice() to speed it up.

Upcoming feature: We will have an option to change the temporary storage location (including /dev/shm for storing it in RAM).

Upcoming feature: In the future we'll only buffer the first 5 GiB part of a backup stream and directly stream the remaining data, rather than buffering the entire stream in chunks.

For background:

The S3 API provides two methods for uploading data:

  • PutObject, for "small" objects
  • CreateMultipartUpload / UploadPart / CompleteMultipartUpload, for "large" objects

The maximum length of data that can be uploaded with PutObject or UploadPart is 5 GiB. The maximum size of an object is 5 TiB. The maximum number of parts in a multipart upload is 10000.

As of writing, AWS charges money for each S3 API call, including each of PutObject, CreateMultipartUpload, UploadPart and CompleteMultipartUpload. Multipart uploads thus incur higher costs per object than a PutObject call. Multipart uploads with smaller parts (anything under the maximum of 5 GiB) further increase costs. Some cloud storage providers do not charge money for these calls (Backblaze B2, as of writing).

It would be simple to always use multipart uploads. However, btrfs2s3 is designed for frequent uploads of small, short-lived backups, so this strategy would incur extra API usage costs in the common case. This amounts to paying extra money to AWS as thanks for their failure to design a coherent API, which is obviously abhorrent.

It would also be simple to always use PutObject, and split large (> 5 GiB) backup streams across multiple objects (we must do this anyway for streams larger than the maximum object size of 5 TiB). However we also want to minimize the number of total objects in a bucket, to minimize calls to ListObjectsV2. Therefore we want to maximize the size of each object and minimize splitting.

PutObject and UploadPart are HTTP PUT requests under the hood, where the request body is the object data, thus they can accommodate unbounded data streams without temporary storage. However there is no way to start with a PutObject call and append data to an object (this would especially not make sense with immutable objects). If we want to upload an unbounded stream and minimize API calls, we must choose the correct call before beginning the upload of the first 5 GiB part.

Thus: if we want to upload an unbounded, non-seekable stream to S3 while minimizing API usage costs, we must buffer the first 5 GiB of data. This is awkward, but it is financially incentivized by AWS.

btrfs2s3 buffers to disk by default. As of writing, a program using 5 GiB of RAM for temporary storage would be considered unfriendly to users.


btrfs2s3 does not rely on the system timezone. It requires an explicit timezone to be specified in config (you can use UTC if desired).

Further, be very careful if you ever need to change timezones!

This is because preservation policies are only meaningful in a given timezone. A change in timezone can radically change which backups will be kept.

btrfs2s3 never explicitly marks a backup as "yearly", "hourly" or otherwise. Instead, it checks the ctime (modification time) of the backup against your preservation policy, in your timezone.

Recall that "the first backup of a year is the yearly backup", and that btrfs2s3 is designed to continuously create backups. So, your yearly backup is likely to have a ctime (modification time) of midnight on January 1st in your timezone. But "midnight" and "January 1st" are only meaningful in a timezone, so if you ask btrfs2s3 to change to a new timezone, that same ctime may now be 23:00 on December 31st of the previous year, and btrfs2s3 may delete it!

A change to the system timezone almost never means the user wants to change their backup policy too. Thus, we require an explicitly configured timezone.


maintains a tree of differential backups in object storage



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