Uses the backup
ruby gem for creating backups
Supports mysql backups to cloudfiles. Support for mongodb to cloudfiles coming next.
Minimal options to get going.
backup_mysql "myapp-mysql" do
# chunks 250
# interval "", :at => "12:00 am"
# To dump all databases, set database = :all (or leave blank)
database "myapp_production"
username "my_username"
password "my_password"
host "localhost"
storage "cloudfiles"
cloudfiles_api_key "my_api_key"
cloudfiles_username "my_username"
cloudfiles_container "my_container"
- make sure to add depends on referring project cookbook
- add to mongo or mysql recipe in project cookbook:
# Only run database backup recipe on primary database node
if =~ /01$/ "Running database backup recipe"
include_recipe "target-tgtapps::database-backup"