Install virtualenv package by running :
pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment in the root folder by running :
python3 -m venv venv
It will create a "venv" folder in the root directory.
Now you can create a virtual environment by running one the following commands :
On Windows : source venv\Scripts\activate
On Linux/MacOS : source env/bin/activate
If the virtual environment is successfully created, you should see the (venv)
mention in the terminal.
Install the dependencies by running in the root folder :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application on the production server :
The API will be listening on the port 8888 from localhost at :
Install Docker depending on your OS.
In the root folder, build the application image by running the following command :
docker build --tag powerplant .
It will create an image called "powerplant" (you can choose another name).
Create and start a Docker container based on the powerplant image :
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 powerplant
It will start the application in a container available on port 8888. API will be listening at :
Run tests with the following command in the root folder :
python -m unittest discover tests
It will run the tests included in the "tests" folder.