Sense Energy Monitor API in python
API access to the Sense monitor data. Used for pulling data from the Sense energy monitor, and used within other tools: e.g.
InfluxDB: for managing your own timeseries monitoring and graphing
Smartthings: ingtegrate with existing SmartThings IoT devices
and so on. This project is written and tested in Python 3.7.2.
This project is thanks to the work on this [Powershell project on github] (
This is was then ran with by I think the kbickar and then a following fork by scottbonline. Since appears to lost it's maintainer; as such I've I've forked it here.
[] rewrite to reduce boilerplate with fetching the Trend data. Moving to an object model will simplify tha interface.
[] Continue the development of a fully functional CLI for accessing the APIs
[] ensure entry_points are functional
[] Add POST/PUT where/if applicable
[] Improved error handling
[] Add colorization within CLI
Make configuration more flexible: Adding Confuse as the yaml configuration package. (0.6.0)
Adding Sentry configuration (0.7.0)
pip install git+
The configuration uses the standard system config path for the user customized configuration. To edit your user configuration run (ensure ENV is setup with EDITOR, GIT_EDITOR or SVN_EDITOR):
sensecli config -e
The default search paths for each platform:
~/.config/app and ~/Library/Application Support/app
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/app and ~/.config/app
where the APPDATA environment variable falls back to
- if undefined*
You can also add an override configuration directory by setting an environment variable PYSENSEDIR: export PYSENSEDIR=/opt/app/pysense
You can override any configuration setting you wish, but there are 2 that you must set. Create a config such as:
sensecli config -e
vim ~/.config/pysense/config.yaml
Anything else you wish to override can be added to your user configuraiton file.
Once you have your configuration setup, you can begin using the package:
sensecli devices --active
sensecli devices --inactive
See the following command for more help:
sensecli --help