Aiming to help Open Source Software maintainers we, at the Sauce Labs Open Source Program Office, created Check-My-Repo. An automated tool built upon Repolinter, that verifies if the main necessary parameters to comply with open source best practices, are present in the organization's or user's repositories.
By automating this verification, open source projects maintenance is more effective and effortless, and can help you and your organization to have compliant software projects easier to service, test, upgrade, and maintain.
Built with Node.js, Repolinter and Vue.js, it is designed to run locally and automated, displaying results on your organization’s or user’s GitHub Page.
Meant to be as easy as possible and usable out of the box, all you need to do is: fork it, and enable Pages
choosing gh-pages
as your GitHub pages repository. That easy 😊.
- Fork it
- Enable Actions on Settings/Actions Permissions
- Enable Pages on Settings/Pages by choosing gh-pages as your GitHub pages repository
Using GitHub Actions and default environment variables, it will automatically get our user/organization public information.
Please note that, as Actions are planned to run once a day on cron: '0 0 * * *' time, or when a push is made to the main branch, you need to wait until your organization/ user information is updated in the page.
It is designed to be as neutral as possible and comply with A11y accessibility guidelines. But, of course, you can modify all you want, it is open sourced under MIT license. Check How to Configure file to know how to do it.
Even if you enable GitHub Actions, you may need to enable it in 2 other places on the Actions tab. After clicking on the enable button, go back to Settings/Pages and you will see a note saying your page is published.
On your terminal, clone your fork
git clone<YOUR ORGANIZATION>/check-my-repo.git
Open the repository on your favorite code editor.
Install dependencies
npm install
- To run it locally, run the script:
node src/index.js
It enables you to verify all of your organization’s or user’s public repositories. You need to do this process at least once, as this generates a frontend.json file on the frontend/public folder, which will be used to display the information in Browser.
- Now let’s install your frontend application:
cd frontend
- Install frontend dependencies
npm install
- Run server locally
npm run serve
- Open link provided in terminal
That’s it!
See for details.