This package has been deprecated in favour of pocketbase-ts and is no longer maintained.
Option builder for PocketBase JavaScript SDK, that also helps with typing the response.
This is how you would normally write options for the PocketBase SDK:
expand: 'comments_via_post,tags',
fields: 'id,title,expand.comments_via_post.user,expand.comments_via_post.message,,'
Writing options manually like this is very error-prone, and makes the code very hard to read/maintain.
This option builder allows you to write it like this instead:
key: 'posts',
fields: ['id', 'title'],
expand: [
{ key: 'comments_via_post', fields: ['user', 'message'] },
{ key: 'tags', fields: ['id', 'name'] }
It comes with autocomplete for key
, fields
, expand
and the basic sort
options, and also provides you a way to type the response.
npm install pb-option-builder
Below is an example of how you would define the schema for this in the PocketBase docs.
interface PocketbaseCollection {
id: string
created: string
updated: string
interface User extends PocketBaseCollection {
name: string
interface Post extends PocketBaseCollection {
title: string
tags: Array<string>
interface Tag extends PocketBaseCollection {
name: string
interface Comment extends PocketBaseCollection {
post: string
user: string
message: string
// You need to use "type" instead of "interface" for these as interfaces are "mutable"
// TypeScript needs to know the keys are guaranteed to be of type "string"
type Schema = {
// Table names as keys
users: User
posts: Post
tags: Tag
comments: Comment
type Relations = {
// column names as keys
user: User
post: Post // if you have view collections, use union like "post: Post | ViewCollectionName"
// if the relation is one-to-many or many-to-many, use Array<>
tags: Array<Tag>
// back-relations
posts_via_tags: Array<Post>
// OR
'posts(tags)': Array<Post> // if you're using PB < 0.22.0
// the old syntax will be supported until PB hard-deprecates it or it gets too annoying to maintain for whatever reason
// Add "?" modifier to annotate optional relation fields
comments_via_post?: Array<Comment> // i.e. post might not have any comments
comments_via_user?: Array<Comment> // i.e. user might not have any comments
import { initializeBuilder } from 'pb-option-builder'
const optionBuilder = initializeBuilder<Schema, Relations>()
const [optionsObj, typeObj] = optionBuilder({
key: 'posts',
// you can specify fields to be returned in the response
fields: ['id', 'title', 'tags'],
expand: [
key: 'tags',
// returns all fields if not specified
key: 'comments_via_post',
// you can use :excerpt modifier on string fields
fields: ['message:excerpt(20)'],
// nesting "expand" is supported
expand: [{ key: 'user', fields: ['name'] }],
const result = await pb.collection('posts').getOne(optionsObj)
The second item in the returned array (typeObj
in the example above) is an empty object type cast as the type of the response.
You can use it to type the response:
const result = await pb.collection('posts').getOne<typeof typeObj>(optionsObj)
Now result
will be correctly typed as:
Pick<Post, "tags" | "id" | "title"> & {
expand: {
tags: Array<Tag>
comments_via_post?: (Pick<Comment, "message"> & {
expand: {
user: Pick<User, "name">
It's a bit hacky and not very pretty, but does the job.
// Table name as defined in "Schema"
key: keyof Schema
// Array of fields you want to be returned in the response
fields?: Array<keyof Schema[key]> // defaults to all fields if not specified
// Array of relations you want to be returned in the response
expand?: Array<ExpandItem>
// These will be passed to the SDK as is
sort?: string
filter?: string
requestKey?: string
ExpandItem {
// Relation name as defined in "Relations"
key: keyof Relations
fields?: // same as above
expand?: // same as above
You might run into a situation where you have a component that requires a specific set of fields to be passed to it, and it makes sense to fetch the item directly in one route, but in another, it makes sense to do so through expand
Because of the way the parameter for the option builder is structured, the fields
array is portable.
You can define the fields in one place, and use it either at the top level, or in the expand
option as is .
// CommentBlock.svelte
export const commentFields = ['user', 'message'] satisfies Array<keyof Comment>
// [comment]/+page.ts
import { commentFields } from '$lib/CommentBlock.svelte'
const [optionsObj, typeObj] = optionBuilder({
key: 'comments',
// you can use the imported fields here
fields: commentFields,
// [post]/+page.ts
import { commentFields } from '$lib/CommentBlock.svelte'
const [optionsObj, typeObj] = optionBuilder({
key: 'posts',
fields: ['id', 'title', 'tags'],
expand: [
key: comments_via_post,
// or here. No need to alter the imported fields
fields: commentFields,
Let's say you want to get a post with its comments using expand
When the post doesn't have any comments, the SDK (or PocketBase itself rather) returns:
id: "1",
title: "Lorem ipsum",
tags: ["lorem", "ipsum"],
created: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
updated: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
The response will not have
expand: {
comments_via_post: []
// or not even { expand: undefined } for that matter
So you will get runtime error if you try to access post.expand[comments_via_post]
on a post with no comments.
To handle cases like this, the option builder will add ?
modifier to the expand
field itself if all the specified expands are for optional relation fields.
Post & {
expand?: {
comments_via_post: Comment[]
// or with multiple optional relations
Post & {
expand?: {
foo?: Foo
comments_via_post?: Comment[]
If you expand it along with fields that are not optional like tag
, expand
will be there regardless of whether the post has comments or not.
So the respose will be typed as:
Post & {
expand: {
tag: Array<Tag>
comments_via_post?: Comment[]
In order for back-relations to work, you need to have the forward-relations defined as well.
type Relations = {
// This alone is not enough
comments_via_post: Array<Comment>
// You need to have this defined as well
post: Post
const [optionsObj, typeObj] = optionBuilder({
key: 'posts',
expand: [
// Without "post: Post", TS will complain and you won't get autocomplete or typesafety
key: 'comments_via_post',