the source code of "Robustness of Satellite Constellation Networks"
//2023-02-03 This is the NS2 source code of the paper "Robustness of Satellite Constellation Networks".
There are 2 contents. Each content includes 4 files.
You can download ns-allinone-2.35 package for running this software. The original file of in directory .../ns-2.35/satellite/ sould be replace by the files in this software. in this software should be added to the directory .../ns-2.35/satellite/.
If you have any questions, please contact with [email protected].
//2023-02-20 the newest version code are uploaded in 2023-02-20 There are 2 contents(C-code and tcl-code). There are 4 files in the content C-code, and they are the C source code for the simulation. There are 3 files in the content tcl-code, and they are the simulation script files.
You can download ns-allinone-2.35 package for running this software. The original file of in directory .../ns-2.35/satellite/ sould be replace by the files in this software. in this software should be added to the directory .../ns-2.35/satellite/.
If you have any questions, please contact with [email protected].