This Employee Directory allows admins to view, edit and add details of the employess for a company.
MERN Stack
MongoDB, Express, ReactJs, NodeJs
(In Alphabetical Order)
The following are the external dependencies required to run the app.
- @testing-library/jest-dom: "^5.16.1"
- @testing-library/react: "^12.1.2"
- @testing-library/user-event: "^13.5.0"
- body-parser: "^1.19.1"
- bootstrap: "^5.1.3"
- cors: "^2.8.5"
- debug: "~2.6.9"
- express: "~4.16.1"
- http-errors: "~1.6.3"
- jade: "~1.11.0"
- lottie-web: "^5.8.1"
- md5: "^2.3.0"
- mongodb: "^4.2.2"
- mongoose: "^6.1.4"
- morgan: "~1.9.1"
- nodemon: "^2.0.15"
- react: "^17.0.2"
- react-bootstrap: "^2.1.0"
- react-dom: "^17.0.2"
- react-router-dom: "^6.2.1"
- react-scripts: "5.0.0"
- react-toastify: "^8.1.0"
- web-vitals: "^2.1.2"
Install all the dependencies given above.
In the root folder; to start the React App, run
> npm start
- In the server folder; to start the Node Server, run
> nodemon app