This is a currency exchange application. It will take an ammount of US dollars and convert them to another currency that the user specifies. It will do so by making a call to Exchange Rate API
- Javascript ES6
- css-loader 3.2.0
- JQuery 3.5.1
- Babel/core 7.6.4
- Babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs 7.6.0
- Bootstrap 4.5.0
- clean-webpack-plugin 3.0.0
- eslint 6.3.0
- eslint-loader 3.0.0
- Jest 24.9.0
- Node Package Manager 6.14.9
- webpack 4.39.3
- Open the terminal in your machine
- Navigate to the directory where you would like to save this project
- Clone the project with $
git clone
- Visit the ExhangeRate-API site. Input your email address and click the "Get Free Key" button.
- You'll be prompted to create an account with your email, first name and a password. Agree to the terms of use and click "Get Started!". You'll be able to access a dashboard that includes your API key as well as your remaining API calls for the month.
- Create a file to store variables you want to keep secret $ touch .env
- Place your token in the .env file at the top level of your directory. Using API_KEY=[enter key here]
- Recreate this project's environment with $
npm install
- Create production environment with terminal command $
npm run build
- Start server with command $
npm run start
- No known bugs
- Copyright 2021 Saoud Rana