learning Data structure and Algo from scratch using C language
- test3
Steps to create file, complie and execute the file.
- Create file with with extension of .c ie vi file1.c
- Write your code
- save the file
- Now COMPILE this file using below command:
- gcc file1.c
- gcc file1.c -o ./output/file1
- Now run the output file from command
- ./file1
* 1st Program
- [x] 1. Print "Namste Bharat"
- [x] 2. Print your name
- [x] Take user input
* How to write comments
- [ ] Single line comment
- [ ] Multiline comments
- [ ] \(Optional) Open a followup issue
- [ ] test3
* Declare Variables
1. Declare variables
2. Declare and assign variable
3. Declare multiple variables
* C Data Types
1. declare int, float etc..
2. How to declare and print data type variables
* C Operators
1. Sum 2 numbers
2. Sum 2 numbers user input
3. Multiply 2 numbers
4. Multiply 2 numbers of user input
5. Divide the numbers
6. Get remindar of number
7. Area of Circle
8. Area of Triangle
9. Area of Square
10. Area of rectangle
11. Convert Celcious to Farenhite and vice versa
12. Swap 2 numbers
* User input/Output
1. Take input 1
2. Take name and mobile
3. Get name and Math number from user
* If else
1. Find the greater number
2. Check given number is Even
3. CHeck given number is even or odd
4. Check given number is +ve or -ve
* if else if
1. Print division on the basis of marks
2. Print trangle is valid or not
* Switch case
1. Create marksheet or result on the basis of number
2. Enter day number and print Day-name
3. Enter month number and print Month name
* While loop
* For loop
* Do while
* C Break & Continue
1. Print the number till given number(N)
2. Print Table of given number
3. Print the number till 0 in desc order from given number
4. Reverse the number
5. Check given number is prime or not
6. Print only even numbers till given number
7. Print only odd numbers till given number
8. Print only Prime number till given number
9. Sum of the harmonic series
10. Convert Doller in rupees
11. Convert Rupees in paise
12. Enter the price of 1kg rice, Enter the price of 1kg sugar. LIST OF ITEMS with total
13. Find the sum of all the digits of given numbers
14. COunt the number between X and Y that are divisible by 7. Also Sum of those numbers.
15. Find the factorial of given number.
* Basic Array
1. Find vowel and consonents in given string
2. Find the occurance of given char in given string\
3. CHeck Palindrome string or not
* Array operations
* Basic string
* String functions
* Basic functions
* Functions parameters
* Functions declaration
* Recursive function
* C Pointers
* Operations on pointers
* C Void pointers
* C Null pointers
* Dangling pointers
* Wild pointers
* Static Variable
* Memory layout
* Memory Allocation
* Structure
* Unions
* Typedef
* Basic file handling
* Operations on files
* Files I/O