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Configuring the Bot

Alessandro Sanino edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Golang Crypto Trading Bot

Configuring the Bot

In this section you will learn all the possible configurations of the Bot.

Configuration File Template with explanations

simulation_mode: true # if you want to enable simulation mode.
  - exchange: bitfinex                  # Exchange Name
    public_key: bitfinex_public_key     # Exchange Public Key
    secret_key: bitfinex_secret_key     # Exchange Secret Key
    deposit_addresses:                  # Follows CoinTicker : Address notation
      BTC: bitfinex_deposit_address_btc
      ETH: bitfinex_deposit_address_eth
      ZEC: bitfinex_deposit_address_zec
    fake_balances: # used only if simulation mode is enabled, can be omitted if not enabled, follows CoinTicker : balance notation.
      BTC: 100
      ETH: 100
      ZEC: 100
      ETC: 100
  - strategy: strategy_name     # The Name of the strategy to bind
    markets:                    # The markets binded to the strategy
      - market: ETH-BTC         # Market Canonical Name
        bindings:               # Exchange Specific Market Name Bindings
        - exchange: bitfinex    # Exchange Name 
          market_name: ETHBTC   # Market Name on the Exchange