This is a game where you circle a sun and try to shoot down the other players.
All players have an amount of energy, which is used for both the anti-gravity engine that allows the extremely heavy ships to stay in orbit, as well as doing actions.
All players start the round with 1000 energy.
The anti-gravity engine uses 1 energy for each game tick, and as the energy goes lower your ship gets heavier, and therefore circles closer to the sun.
Turning your ship with your thrusters costs 1 energy.
Accelerating forward costs 2 energy.
Firing a normal missile costs 10 energy, firing a homing missile costs 15 energy and dropping a hovermine costs 20 energy.
If you hit another player with either a missile or a hovermine, that player loses 50 energy, and you get 50 energy.
These values are subject to change, until we freeze them sometime before The Gathering 2016.
We might also add more weapons, if we find some fun ideas.
There are pre-compiled Windows binaries attached to the releases here:
There are also automatically built and untested pre-release builds available here:
- F5: Restarts round
- p: Pause
- ESC: Stop game
- Left: turn left
- Right: turn right
- Forward: Accelerate
- m: Fire normal missile.
- ,: Drop mine.
- .: Fire homing missile.
The protocol is based on JSON. All "packets" (JSON objects) are sent in compact form, terminated with a newline. So to parse, read a line and unserialize the JSON.
To connect to the game, open a TCP connection to where the game is running on port 54321
. When running on the same machine, just connect to localhost (
After connecting, send "NAME " followed by the name of your bot to set a name (for example: "NAME superbot\n").
When the game starts, you will start to get "stateupdate" JSON objects, that look like this in expanded form:
"messagetype": "stateupdate",
"gamestate": {
"missiles": [
"id": 0,
"energy": 0,
"owner": 0,
"rotation": 180,
"type": "NORMAL",
"velocityX": 0.002812616921765813,
"velocityY": 0.048244483355828163,
"x": -0.1065170720879374,
"y": 0.057297497784823674
"id": 50,
"energy": 4981,
"owner": 0,
"rotation": 45,
"type": "MINE",
"velocityX": 0.00042820233654171418,
"velocityY": -0.0015615237322931463,
"x": -0.22436009460522804,
"y": 0.81817305140153029
"id": 60,
"energy": 350,
"owner": 0,
"rotation": 300,
"type": "SEEKING",
"velocityX": 0.032627412854647569,
"velocityY": -0.03970474002645958,
"x": -0.086567348713245326,
"y": 0.69192650021900126
"others": [
"energy": 858,
"id": 0,
"rotation": 90,
"velocityX": -0.007226001197449654,
"velocityY": -0.026401470594673109,
"x": -0.42907664254625305,
"y": 0.40928029816990924
"you": {
"energy": 918,
"id": 1,
"rotation": 270,
"velocityX": 0.0076515503238599285,
"velocityY": 0.025595966187665863,
"x": 0.43292444925334561,
"y": -0.41881639474014176
There are also two other kinds of messages:
- You've been killed, and cannot expect more data until next round
{ "messagetype": "dead" }
- There's only one player left (for your sake I hope it's you)
{ "messagetype": "endofround" }
To do something, send the appropriate command followed by \n
, for example RIGHT\n
The available commands are:
: Accelerate in the direction you're currently pointing.LEFT
: Turn left.RIGHT
: Turn right.MISSILE
: Fire a normal missile in the direction you're currently pointing.SEEKING
: Fire a homing missile that tries to home in on the closest player.MINE
: Drop a "mine" that tries to hover around the sun.
Check out the code, install the development packages for qt5 declarative and qt5 graphicaleffects, and run: qmake && make
For Windows, OS X, etc.
- Download and install the Qt SDK from
- Start QtQtcreator after installing
- Go to File -> New File or Project -> Import Project -> Git Clone
- Use the repository URL
- Click the green play button.
List of changes that affect development of bots:
- Saturday 13.02.2016: Changed the value sent for the rotation of missiles from radians to degrees, to match the value sent for players.
- Sunday 28.02.2016: Increased damage from missiles from 10 to 50 energy. Before this firing a homing missile or hovermine cost more than what you could gain from hitting something.