Simple App to display Tweets based on search pattern
How to start :
--- yarn install // Some of the dependencies npm can't resolve with different versions --- yarn start / npm start // http://localhost:3001 - Server and http://localhost:3000 - client
--- npm run server - Starts node server http://localhost:3001. Since it's socket recommended to start server seperately.
--- npm run client - starts only client http://localhost:3000
*Why Yarn : Yarn is installing the packages simultaneously, and that is why Yarn is faster than NPM. They both download packages from npm repository. Yarn generates yarn. lock to lock down the versions of package's dependencies by default.NPM is also used in package,json (by habit).
Client React version: 17.0.1 React-worldcloud SocketIO
Server: NODEJS Express NPM-TWITTER (NPM package)