This library helps you write encapsulated bits of HTML into a single unit called component in your server rendered Phoenix web site. Similar to how react/ember/web components do.
You can generate a new component with the built-in generator
$ mix phoenix.gen.component button
* creating web/components/button/view.ex
* creating web/components/button/template.html.eex
* creating test/components/button_test.exs
Then you can use the new component in a template
# /web/views/page_view.ex
defmodule MyApp.PageView do
use MyApp.Web, :view
use PhoenixComponents.View
import_components [:button]
# /web/templates/page/show.html.eex
<%= button type: :primary do %>
My cool button!
<% end %>
With the corresponding component definition
# /web/components/button/view.ex
defmodule MyApp.Components.ButtonView do
use PhoenixComponents.Component
def class_for_type(type) do
"btn btn--" <> to_string(type)
# /web/components/button/template.html.eex
<button class="<%= class_for_type @attrs.type %>">
<%= @content %>
Add phoenix_components
to your mix.exs
def deps do
[{:phoenix_components, "~> 1.0.0"}]
and then you have to add one config to your config file
config :phoenix_components, app_name: MyApp
where MyApp
is the module that represents your phoenix app.
If you're running Elixir 1.3 or lower, don't forget to add it under you applications list in mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [:phoenix_components]]
This is a quick overview of how to create and use a component in your application.
After installing the dependency you need to configure your application.
You can do this by adding this line to your web/web.ex
Look for the line def view do
and update it to include this line
def view do
quote do
use Phoenix.View, root: "web/templates"
use PhoenixComponents.View # Add this line
Phoenix components are defined by two different parts, a view and a template. The view contains helper functions and the template contains the HTML.
To create a button component you need to create the view file
with the following content
defmodule MyApp.Components.Button do
use PhoenixComponents.Component
def classes do
"btn btn-default"
Then create the template file web/components/button/template.html.eex
with the
following content
<button class="<%= classes %>">
<%= @content %>
Note that @content
variable will contain the content defined inside the button
block. Next section shows this in more detail.
You can use the component from any template by using the helper function
In any template, e.g. web/templates/pages/show.html.eex
add the button
<%= component :button do %>
My cool button!
<% end %>
The content inside the component block is passed to the component as the
You can import the components in any view by using the import_components
function. This allows you to avoid having to call component
helper and instead
just use the name of the component.
defmodule MyApp.PageView do
use Phoenix.Web, :view
import_components [:button, :jumbotron]
Then you can use these helpers from your templates
<%= button type: :submit do %>
Submit form!
<% end %>
When calling a component you can pass any attribute you like.
<%= button type: :submit do %>
Submit form!
<% end %>
Inside the component's template these attributes are going to be available in
the @attrs
<button type="<%= @attrs.type %>">
<%= @content %>
You can configure where to put the components by editing your application
configuration file config/config.exs
config :phoenix_components, path: "lib/foo/bar"
Components are obtained from web
by default.
phoenix_components is licensed under the MIT license.
See LICENSE for the full license text.